Cooking with Love

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Hi Everyone! I am back. Sorry I was away for so long! The muse has finally resurfaced after a long hibernation. I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. I just want to say a special thank you for all of you that continue to stick with me, silent or not and appreciate my stories. That said: Enjoy!

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Sasha wraps his arms around you, from behind. He nuzzles your ear. "Hey, darling, how are you?"

You lean back into his embrace, or as much as you can, given that are sitting in a chair. "I'm good."

"How goes the story writing today?" he inquires. From the corner of your eye, you can see that he's reading what is on the screen.

"'s okay. The characters are fighting where I want them to go today. It's frustrating. Apparently they have their own plans today. I don't like that, because then they don't go where I want them to go."

"Maybe they don't want to go that way and the way they want to go will be even better than what you had in mind."

"That is possible I suppose. Characters' do have a mind of their own."

He laughs, nuzzling your hair. "You've only told me this a million times and grumbled every day how the characters never do what you want them to do."

You smile and nod in agreement. "Maybe you should take a break for now or just write what they want and see where they go. I could use your brilliance in the kitchen," he suggests.

You look at the clock at the wall. "Oh shoot! I'm sorry babe. I totally lost track of time!"

"No problem. So what do you want to do?"

"Dinner. Definitely. I'm not going to get anywhere right now. What did you have in mind?"

He names his favourite dish. You smile into the arms wrapped around your shoulders and place a kiss on his forearms. "Sounds great. Let me just save this and I'll be right in."

He squeezes you close and kisses your cheek before letting you go. You save your work, shut down your laptop and stand from the chair, stretching. You hear music start to play. You smile when you recognize the tune. It was "For Always" by Lara Fabian and Josh Groban. You smile, shaking your head in amusement. He was a romantic your man.

You exit the room and make a detour to grab a bottle of his favourite wine. You enter the kitchen and pause in the doorway, watching him. Cooking together was something you two both had a passion for and enjoyed doing together. You both loved to get creative and throw the recipe out the window when cooking. Sometimes what you two created was edible, sometimes it wasn't. But that was okay. There was a lot of laughter and fun along the way in creating dishes. His favourite dinner was something that the two of you had created and actually turned out. It was one of the few creations you two agreed not to make for friends or family. It was a sacred dish, meant for the two of you. Like every dish created – they all had a story, a history of how they came to be. The story behind tiramisu was your favourite. It was such a beautiful story and had such a beautiful meaning that before Sasha had entered your life you wished you had someone like that.

Sasha Roiz ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now