eighteen: a special day

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I was startled-awaken from my sleep when the bell rang. I ran my finger through my hair before pulling my robe on.

It was 8 am, who can be here so early?

I rushed to the door while tying my robe and opened it quickly to find Justin standing there.

"Oh Justin, hey that's early" I said and let him in.

"Uh...you said I could c-come over anytime so I...did I wake you up?, I'm so sorry" He said.

"I can come back later if you-

"No no no, don't go, its alright" I said and stopped him. He was wearing a khaki, half-sleeved cargo shirt which really compliments his skin tone and he looked cute in it.

"I just have go get showered" I said.

"Yeah I'll wait here" He said and sat on the couch.

"You can watch TV if you want" I said and he shook his head.

"No, I'm good" He said.

He looked very nervous and uncomfortable, I'll talk to him after I come back. I went in for a quick shower. The whole time I kept thinking about what can possibly be today that made Justin come here, be with me saying he doesn't want to be alone?

I know I can't ask him, he won't tell probably but I'm really curious.

I dressed up in a tank top and leggings before going into the living room and saw him sitting there doing nothing but fiddling with his phone.

"Do you want me to cook breakfast for us?" I asked and he looked up at me and shook his head.

"Okay..." I said and sat down beside him.

"You could've opened up and came in with keys anyways Justin" I said and he licked his lips.

"I didn't know if I should..." He said but before I could say anything, he spoke.

"Have you told Kevin about this? I hope he if fine with it, I mean, I can go if he-

"No Justin, I haven't. There is no need for that, we aren't together yet and I can have a friend come over at my place without asking Kevin, its my house right?" I said and he nodded.

"So what are we doing today? Are we like, going out or staying in?" I asked.

"I'd like to stay in, I don't wanna go out today" He said. He seemed low so I shifted closer and grabbed his hand.

"Is everything alright Justin?" I asked and he took a shaky breath in and nodded.

"Yeah, its just a bad day" He mumbled and I squeezed his hand.

"I have a couple of board games, but I say we play scrabble, is that alright with you?" I asked and he looked at me and smiled and nodded.

"I love scrabble" He said and I grinned before going inside my bedroom and getting the game.

"Justin, I think the couch would be uncomfortable, how about we go sit on the bed?" I asked.

"Okay" He said and followed me inside the bedroom.

He got rid of his shoes before getting on the bed and we sat down across each other. I arranged the board and then we started playing.

"You're a tough competition Ms. Chopra" He said after we were some time into the game and I smirked.

"And I'm winning this too Mr. Bieber" I said.

When we were done with the round, he started calculating our scores.

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