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6:17 pm
me: hey Anna

6:19 pm
Anna: Im sorry?
Anna: I think you have the wrong number

6:21 pm
me: you're jk right..?
me: dammit i suck at phones. this is why i don't text people. people these days can't talk in person so i end up texting wrong numbers.
me: my bad, i apologize

6:25 pm
Unknown: haha it's alright, I agree with you.
6:28 pm
Unknown: I don't want to seem too straight forward or weird or anything but, would you mind holding a conversation ? my days feel too... scripted, to say the least.

6:30 pm
me: ofc not, obviously i can't text who i meant to so might as well.(:

6:31 pm
Unknown: Anna?

6:32 pm
me: actually my name is Jemma, my friends call me JJ.
me: oh nvm i'm stupid. yeah i was trying to text Anna haha

6:34 pm
Unknown: lol. well nice to meet you Jemma, or can I call you JJ? cute nickname btw(:

6:34 pm
me: yeah sure you can call me that
6:36 pm
me: what's your name?

6:40 pm
Unknown: uhh the name's thomas, but you can call me grant.
6:41 pm
Unknown: (:

smile ➝ Grant Gustin [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now