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8:13 am
Grant: Happy Monday Jemma!
9:24 am
Grant: Jem?

10:03 am
me: goodness Grant it's like the middle of the night

10:04 am
Grant: Don't you have work??

10:12 am
me: no, it's Columbus day. we have these days off at our college bc the dean is reaally chill

10:15 am
Grant: Ohh yeah we don't have days off in my work

10:23 am
me: if it isn't anything serious, can't you just take a day off if you so wished?

10:25 am
Grant: That's just rude...

10:29 am
me: yeah, guess you're right.
me: so how was your weekend?

10:31 am
Grant: Full of anxiety

10:32 am
me: ?

(Typing. . .)

10:39 am
Grant: I am literally so anxious to see you. I am so excited to have a new friend- BEST friend, and I can't wait to hang out and have fun. I want to watch disney movies and critique musicals with you, I want to know all that you know, I want to even get help from you. I feel like you could help me better myself as a musician/actor/ probably person. I'm just so excited

10:42 am
me: awh, my heart
me: you're such a qt

10:45 am
Grant: On the inside at least

10:47 am
me: well i dunno what you look like but from how you sound, i think you're still a cutie but inside and out

10:51 am
Grant: Now look who's the qt(;

10:53 am
me: is that flirtation i sense?
11:05 am
me: oooh, thomas graaant...

11:11 am
Grant: ;D

11:14 am
me: uh i'm gonna take a nap brb


Thanks so much to @-wolfsbanes for the cover! ❤️❤️

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