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I was tidying up my house a bit when my phone started ringing- a specific ringtone I had put for Grant. It was the Star Wars theme song. Why not, right?

"Hey, what's up?" I answered the phone.

"Not much, just had a bit of down time and I wanted to check up on you," the deep voice on the other end replied. I smiled at his voice, something I was coming to like a lot.

"I'm doing well. Bett is doing well, also. Finishing up the meds from the vet, and she's playing with Cora really well still, so hopefully she's going to be fine after the meds are all gone," I talked with the phone on the counter as I cleaned the stove top.

"Seriously? Bett and Cora? You have to be lying," Grant said with disbelief and I laughed awkwardly.

"What do you mean?"

"My dogs? Jett and Nora? Your dogs Bett and Cora?" he prompted and I giggled at the coincidence.

"Oh yeah! I remember you told me that but I just totally forgot. That is pretty funny," I agreed and he laughed. He had a great laugh. I just wanted to hear him laugh all the time. I finished wiping down the stove and put away my cleaning materials, sitting on the couch to just talk to him. "So what are you doing on this fine Saturday evening?" I asked.

"Just talking to this sweet girl I know," he replied flirtatiously and I blushed, staying silent. "Oh, and I'm talking to you too," he added and I rolled my eyes sighing.

"I swear I would slap you if you were here," I laughed but bit my lip, wondering if maybe he actually was talking to someone else.

"Nah, I think you'd be too happy to see me to do that," he countered.

"Yeah? We will see about that. Only a week away," my tone shifted from playful to excited.

"I know, I can't wait. It'll be fun! I'm bringing my dogs, right?" I nodded, forgetting he couldn't see me.

"Yeah, yeah. They can have doggy play dates and sleepovers," I grinned and spoke in a baby voice as Cora jumped up just then. I scratched behind her ears and giggled as her collar jingled and she breathed happily, tongue hanging out. There was a brief moment of silence and I heard quiet static from the speaker.

"I really like you, Jem," Grant said quietly. My heart fluttered for a second at the new nickname and context before I could react.

"You've known me for like, three days Grant," I laughed nervously.

"I know, I know. But we've been talking non-stop. We made plans to hang out even though we are countries away. We called and talked for hours the other day. I love talking to you," he gushed and I couldn't help but grin so hard my face hurt. "I know it's only been since Wednesday, but I really do like you. You seem like a great, smart person. Maybe I don't like you romantically," he nervously, dorkily laughed and stressed the word 'romantically,' "but I do like you."

"Ugh," I breathed out, tired but feeling warm and fuzzy from the sweet things he had said. "Why are you so sweet and adorable? Honestly, I can't keep up," I smiled and pet little coffee colored Cora in my lap, feeling quite happy with where I was.

"You're sweet, too. You just don't see it," he argued. I rolled my eyes and let him talk on. "I really want to see you. A week from now seems way too far away."

"It'll just make the meeting oh so much better," I said matter of factly, knowing full well I was too excited to wait as well. "But yeah, I know how you feel. I guess I kinda like you too, Grant. You seem like a really down to earth person, and I feel like I just connect with you. Loving my new best friend," I rambled awkwardly, trying not to make it sound like I had a crush on him. I didn't- I couldn't. I had only known him three or four days, so I couldn't possibly like him like that. "So you're staying for a couple of days, can't eat out every night. Too much money. What food do you like?" I quickly changed the subject to ignore the weird emotions I was feeling.

"Money really isn't a problem-"

"Maybe not for you, monsieur acteur, mais je ne suis pas riche," I replied, slipping into easy French.

"I don't actually know French, but I think you said you aren't rich? Am I wrong?" he asked.

"No, you got that right. Just tell me what foods you like. I can cook for you. You like pasta? Everybody likes pasta," I talked absentmindedly as I wrote it down on my grocery list for the week.

"It really isn't- huh, yeah, I like pasta," he said with a sigh of defeat. "I'm looking forward to that dinner then. Looking forward to a great weekend, Jem." I bit my cheek and kept myself from grinning too much.

"Me too, Grant."


Progressing along. (: Enjoy x

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