When I came home from work, I went up stairs to go lay down in my bed but as I pass Joshalynn I hear crying.I stood there a second and then began to walk in.
Joshalynn why are you crying. I was thinking about something mom and it made me sad I am OK , She said with a very sad face Honey what were u thinking about. Oh nothing something silly. OK but you know you can talk to me if there is something wrong . Yeah I know mom. I started to walk out and go to my room and lay across my bed to took a nap.
Once my mom left the room I got up and took a shower and brushed my teeth , washed my face , any changes out of the clothes I was wearing for two days and texted jaylen and put on my blue and white tie dye shirt and tie dye shorts with white Nikes
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Me: We need to tell my mom today!
Jayy💖😊: Ok I haven't told mine yet but I don't think she will mind.
Me : You really want this child don't you.
Jayy💖😊: yeah if it is mine . MOST DEFINITELY .
Me : what you mean if it is yours
Jayy💖😊: I am just saying babe
Me : Yeah ok just get over here
Jayy💖😊: ok give me 15 min
Me: ok
15 min later....
Jaylen got here and he looked really hot with new tan look he got a few days ago . When he came I gave him a kiss and headed up to my room so we can talk about how to bring this up to my mom.
After me and Jaylen discussed what was gone be said to my mother . I went to her room and told her to come to the Living Room. Me and Jaylen sat in the love seat with me in his lap. While my mom sat on the couch looking pretty happy .
Hey Mrs. Johnson , how have u been . Good Jaylen and you . Good Mrs . Johnson . Mom I have to tell u something and you are going to be disappointed and mad but I didn't want this and still don't but...... Joshalynn just get to the point . I am pregnant. Oh really ....... Yes she is Mrs Johnson . I am not happy but I will accept it . Mom thank you for understanding. Your Welcome honey.
Me and Jaylen went back up to my room and We both said that was easier than I thought . Joshalynn i understand if you don't want the baby anymore and tomorrow I am going to next take you out to tomorrow and hopefully you will tell me if u are keeping it or not . ok Jaylen I wanted to go today and I do wanna keep it but you have to promise me that your gonna help me take care of it .