Chapter 9- What Do I Mean To You?

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(D.O dream)
"Kai?! Why are you being like this to me? What have I ever done to you?" I shouted at the figure that was walking away from me. The further he got away from me the blurrier he became.

I chased after him, but no matter how close I got to him, he would always be out of my reach.

Just as I was about to stop running, another figure appeared and held his hand. I hoped it was me, just placing myself by his side but the more I looked, the more the figure became that of a woman. A tall woman with long hair and slender body. I stopped in my tracks, as I stopped she turned her head and had seemed to notice me there, trying to get kais attention.

She moved her head towards his and whispered something into his ear. As soon as she moved her head away, they both started to walk away into the sunset.

"KAI! DON'T LEAVE ME!" I shouted at the top of my lungs
"Please kai... please dont leave me, I don't want to be alone" I say as I lay in a bed and pull my legs towards my chest and cry, cry like there is no tomorrow.

As I lay down in the bed, I felt someone rubbing their thumb over my left eye, I opened my right eye to try to see who it was, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't seem to tell who it was, but by the touch alone and how soft and gentle it was, I could tell it was Kai or more like I hoped it was him.

But one thing that annoyed me was that I couldn't tell if it was still a dream or not. If it is a dream, I don't want it to end. I don't want to forget his touch, I don't want him to leave me, I don't want him to forget me.

It was so hard for me not to jump forward and hug him, but I knew if I did he would probably disappear and I'll be alone again.

Just as I was getting used to his touch again, his thumb stopped rubbing my eye, as soon as that happened I close my eye again and I felt both hands move to my face, and felt something touch my lips,it was only for a second, but that second meant a lot to me.

"I'll never leave you"

(D.OS P.O.V)

I wake up and see that kais gone, but I wasn't mad, for some strange reason I felt a lot calmer then I did. I leave the bedroom to see that everyone was still asleep.

"What's the time?" I say as I try to find my phone, that I had left or should I say the others hid. But they are so predictable, I find it on the sofa behind the pillow. But for some strange reason I felt no need to turn it on

So I head towards the clock in the kitchen "Oh It's 6:40am no wonder the others are still asleep" i say as i get a drink from the fridge and walk towards the balcony. I sit down and just admire the view 'why am I not worried about kai? Why do I feel so relaxed? Even after the dream?' I told myself as I take a sip of my drink "why do I feel this relaxed?" I say as I place both my phone and drink on the table next to me.

"I'm guessing you and kai are better now?"
"OMG YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!" I shout as Suho walks through the door and sits next to me
"Haha sorry, but are you to on better terms now?" He said while facing me
"To be honest I have no idea, last night was just a blur for me really"-d.o
"Oh, well maybe you two can have a conversation when we don't drink haha, anyway imma go back to bed for a bit" he says as he gets up and pulls me up with him and gives me a hug.
"Don't worry to much, you two will be fine soon, I promise" he says in my ear "night" he says as he let's go of me and heads towards his room

"Its technically morning" I say as I start laughing. As I pick up my cup and phone and close the door I look over and see kai, standing by the kitchen with his hand in a fist.

"You two seem very...close" he says as he walks towards me.

"Well yeah, I have been sleeping in his room, so it's only normal to get close to him" I knew that sounded a bit sassy, but in that moment I didn't care. I place my cup in the sink and walk past him, but he grabs hold of my wrist, making it hard for me to keep walking.

"What kai?" I say as I face him "you've made it clear the last couple of weeks that I mean nothing to you, so what do you want?" I say with a straight face...

"what do I mean to you kai?"

Omg guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated but I've starter uni and got side tracked, but I'm in Korea now and thought I might as well update while I'm here 😁 and I'm currently staying with my friends in itaewan and travelling to busan on Wednesday!

So I hope you like this update, I I'll try to update more 😅

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