Chapter 16

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We heard a violent knock and someone shouting "GIVE HER BACK! SHE DOESN'T WANT TO BE HERE! I ...Need her" as the voice got quite Zane and aph made their way to the door. Its complete silent until the door is karate kicked open and we see Gene "WHERE IS SHE"
He scouts the room from where he stands "sorry Gene y/n just left to... Get ingredients for cupcakes" aphmau lied but gene just looked at her with disgust and pushes her out of the way "I know she's here and I know you took her because you left this piece of evidence" he said angrily as he holds up the letter "so just tell me the truth and give her back" he then sees me in the kitchen and immediately comes over. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me close to him "I was so worried" he whispers. Zane immediately gets up and goes to Gene in attack mode. "Gene you don't want to do this" zane said holding up his fists. "well, just like I told aphmau 'you'll have to pry her away from me over my dead body'" once he said that I move out of his grip and he gives me a confused but concern Look "Gene I know you want to protect me but Zane and I are ok now. I can be out of your hair now" I say making sure I'm in the way of Zane. "but I want you to be in my hair... Y/n... I love you... I knew you were special since that day at hot topic" gene says hugging me tightly "and if this emo is in the way of our happiness then he must perish" pushing me out of the way and before Gene gets to close to zane, zane pulls a hard punch causing genes lip to bleed. He stumbles back and touches his bleeding lip, he looks at his own blood for a moment "I see you've grown stronger since high school" gene says punching zane in the shoulder. Zane comes back with a punch in the stomach making gene stumble. He takes the opportunity and continues to punch gene. Gene get a the strength to hit zane back, getting him off of him. Once they are both standing I get in between to try and stop them "you don't have to fight... Let's just talk this out" I say desperately. "NO! I love you too much to risk this emo take you way from me!" gene pushes me so hard I fall to the ground with a thud. Zane becomes infuriated and hits gene square in the face. Gene punches zane but it wasn't very affected. Zane goes for the final blow and hits Gene so hard he gets knocked out cold. Things go quite for a second until scarlet and garroth break through the door. "Zane! my brother senses were tingling so I'm here to help" garroth says holding up his fists "GARROTH MY DOOR! *sigh* you can help but fixing the door you just broke" zane says trying to calm himself down. "hey this time it wasn't me~" his voice holds great joy "It was my little scarlet" garroth said holding Scarlets by her waist causing her to blush. "well you can both fix it" Zane then directs his attention to Gene "So what do we do about him?" Zane says pointing at Gene. "well we have to clean the blood, put him in the car, and take him back to his apartment" I say and everyone agrees.  We do and we leave no trace of me living in his apartment. After such and exciting day we all go home and relax. I've always been alone but today... Today two guys confessed their love to me. This is something totally out of my comfort zone. I wonder what's gonna happen next?

And always wear your seat- I-I mean have a bye five!

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