Chapter 31

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"I think I'm falling in love with you."

"I think I'm already there." Harry said.

The words from the morning before kept playing on my mind, like that favourite song you just couldn't stop listening.

Does this mean Harry-

"Ok everyone." My interpreting teacher said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You all know how things go. First one group enters to the interpreting booth and once they finish, the other comes in."

Today I had my interpreting exam. Topic: Structural Engineering.

Tough subject. I was really nervous. I was on the second group with Emerson. At least we could be each other moral support.

"Do you feel prepare, darling?" My best friend asked me. I looked at him and tilted my head.

"Weeell..." I started saying. "I worked my ass off studying for this but... I'm nervous." I bit my lip thinking about Harry, about our talk. "I don't know. My mind is all over the place."

"Aw. What's bothering you?" He pulled me closer for a hug and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. "You don't have anything to worry about Belle. You're really good at this. You always say you don't think you did it good and when the teacher hands out our evaluations, guess who gets one of the highest marks?" Emerson raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah you, damn smartass."

I laughed really loud and then I placed a kiss on his cheek. He always knew how to make me laugh. I was really glad I met Emerson. Who knew we could become best friends.

The classroom door opened and the first group came out. Now it was our turn. We and a few more students entered the room. Each one of us sat on our booths, put our headphones on and turned on our recording devices. We were ready for interpreting.

The teacher was giving us the instructions when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I took it out, trying that my teacher didn't notice. As soon as I saw the screen, a smile on my face appeared.

"Hiiiiii beautiful. Good luck for your exam today. I know it's the hardest but you'll smash it. You're the most intelligent person I've ever met. Love, H. xx"

It was 3 am in LA. Whether Harry couldn't sleep or he went out partying and was still awake. I was going to call him as soon as I finished here. I really wanted to talk with him. I missed his voice.

"All ready?" The teacher asked us. We all said yes. I put my phone back in my pocket. "Good luck then. Just remember, stay calm and do not translate. Interpret."


The tone of the line kept ringing as I waited for Harry to pick up the phone. Two rings more and...


"Hi." A female voice said on the other side of the line "Who is this?"

"Uhm." Did I dial the wrong number? I looked at the screen and it was Harry's. "It's Belle. This is Harry's phone, who are you?"

"Harry's busy now. Sorry." The girl said in a cold tone and hung up.

I kept looking at my phone, not knowing what the hell had just happened. I blinked and looked at Emerson. He cocked his head and raised and eyebrow.

"Did he answer?"

"No." I said. "A girl did."

Harry's POV

The loud music filled my ears. The alcohol was starting to effect me, affecting all my sense. Even though, all I had in mind was Belle. Had she answered my text yet? Or maybe she called me. I checked my pocket for my phone and I realized I didn't have it. It must have fallen when I stood up and went to the bathroom. Shit.

I walked over to where me and some friends were sitting. Hopefully my phone would be on the couch and one of them grabbed it. Hopefully Lou.

"Hey." I said through the loud music. "Have you seen my phone? I need to call someone."

"Here it is, silly." A girl said from behind me. "You should be more careful with your stuff."

"Thanks, Kendall." I said, relief. "Did someone call me?"

"Where you expecting a call?" She asked, running her fingers through her hair. She was hot, I wasn't going to deny it. But she didn't compare with Belle. "No one called."

I looked down at my phone, feeling disappointed. I thought Belle would call me after reading my text. I would call her now. It was like 11 am in London. I just needed to go outside, away from the noise. I turned around to go outside when I felt someone's hand on my arm.

"Where are you going?" Kendall asked me. She got closer.

"I want to call someone." I began to feel a little bit tipsy. 

"And it's that important that it can't wait?" She caressed my arm, up and down. She was flirting with me. I stepped back, putting some distance between us.

"Look, Kendall." I started saying. "I'm with someone right now. I don't want to give you mixed signals or something."

"Come on." She said, not paying attention to what I've said. "We're at a party. We're supposed to be dancing, not making calls."

"I really need to call Belle." I said, maybe sounding a little angry than I supposed to.

"Belle?" I couldn't decipher the tone in her voice when she said 'Belle'. "Look, if she hasn't called you back it's because she really doesn't care. I had your phone all the time when you were gone and no one called." Kendall pointed to my phone, which I was holding on my hand. "Check the recent calls if you don't believe me."

I looked down at the electronic device on my hand. Belle cares. She must be taking her exam right now or maybe she was going to call later. I knew her. All of sudden my phone was replaced with a beer can. I looked up and saw Kendall smiling at me.

"Let's forget about that girl and have fun." She said, hiding my phone. "Shall we?"

"Kendall, please give me my phone back."

"Only with one condition." I raised my eyebrow at her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know that condition. "Let's have fun together and dance with me."

I hesitated a few minutes about her proposal. If this was the only way to get my phone back... I really wanted to call Belle so I guess I would do it. We were just going to dance. Nothing more.

I drank the entire beer at once as she took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Her hands went straight up to my chest and then to my neck. I tried to push her but failed. I shouldn't have drunk more. I was completely drunk and my coordination was shit.

Kendall started moving slowly and getting even closer. Too close. 

A flash blinded me.

The paps. 

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