1. Running Away

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"Mom that's not fair!"

"Who the hell are you yelling at? Go to your fucking room before I punch the shit out of you," My mom said. I ran up to my room and started packing. I don't know where I was going. I just knew I had to get the hell out of here.

I packed pretty much anything you need to stay alive. I jumped out my window, but before I did I left a note:

I need to get away from here it's not safe and I'm clearly not wanted. Don't look for me because you will never find me. I'll be back so don't worry.

End of note

With that I jumped out my window and started walking. I walked for thirty minutes and took a drink of water. As I was walking I saw a group of boys across the street and they were pretty cute but, I didn't make eye contact. I could tell that one of them was staring at me harder than the rest, but I paid it no attention.

"HEY!" I heard one of them say. I couldn't help but smile. This should be interesting.

"Um..hi," I said stopping.

"Um what are you doing out here all by yourself at this time of night?"

"You mean 11:30?" I said with a chuckle

"Hey that's just 30 minutes away from 12," another boy said.

"Thanks for clarifying," I smiled.

"Hahaha your funny," he said sarcastically. "What's your name?"

"Courtney. Yours?" I questioned.

"Oh so now you need me to clarify my name?" I just looked at him. "Waleed... Oh and this is Geo, Logan, and Nick," He said pointing to them.

"Hi," I said.

"What's up?" They said back. I finally walked across the street to them.

"So what are you doing out here all by yourself?" Geo asked again. "Running away from my problems. What about you?"

I heard Nick whisper "Same." and I laughed a little bit.

"Just chillin'," Geo responded.

"So y'all just standing there looking at each other at 11:30 at night? You guys are lame."

"Well no we were talking too," Waleed butted in.

"Again thanks for clarifying," I laughed.

"Haha you got us," Geo said sarcastically. "We're going to a haunted house."

I looked at him confused, "A haunted house? In July? A whole almost 4 months from October?"

Then everyone got out their fingers and started counting the months, "January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November..." Nick kept going.

"Why are you still going?" I asked.

"Oh I forgot. What are we counting too?"

"Nothing Nick," Logan said I laughed. Logan looked at me and chuckle.

"Wait you need to start counting because that's 3 months," Waleed said, pulling out his fingers to start counting again.

"August, September-" he was saying.

"Okay, it's over. Why are you still counting? Plus July just started that's why I counted it *cough cough* FOUR!" I said.

"Nobody counts the month they're in. That doesn't even make sense," Waleed argued

"WELL then that means you shouldn't count October because that's the month it's happening. Therefore you're implying that Halloween is 2 months away."

"No-" Waleed was trying to say.

"Okay it's 4, it's 3, it's 8," Geo inturuped us.

"Oh no. That's way off. 8?" Nick said.

Geo just continued, "So you coming or no?"

"To the haunted house? Um I'll pass. Getting possibly possessed is not really my thing even, on Halloween which is 4 months away, may I add."

Waleed shot me a dirty look and I shot him with the classic bitch smile.

"Come on. It will be fun. I promise and if you do get possessed then I'll just have to save you," Geo said winking at me.

"WOW that wink really convinced me. I'll go," I laughed. This should be fun.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter ik it sucks but hopefully I'll get better at it anyway have a nice day.

Edit: it probably still got errors 💀

July 3, 2017

Word count 679

By Chance | A flamingeos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now