the past isnt something,
you can just set aside,
its like a thousand memeries,
attacking your mind,
once anything true comes along,
must push it away,
it wont last long,
not everyone will betray you,
not every smile is a lie,
not every "I love you"
is from the attention deprived
I know how it feels to be cheated,
I understand how difficult it is to believe,
if anything at all,
you can always trust in me,
I've been where hell resides,
I've hurt myself and others,
yet i turned it all around this time,
So dont feel you can never be yourself again,
dont doubt the value of a friend,
hold on to your love so it wont end,
then you'll see it was never pretend,
not everyone will disapoint you,
not every relationship is a lie,
not every "I love you",
is just to pass time,
I know how it feels to be beatin,
I understand how difficult it is to dream,
if anything at all,
you can always trust in me