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Chapter Two

"Is this seat taken?" I ask, direction my attention to Ashton, rather than to another senior staring at me sitting in the very back. I don't really know why he's staring at me, but I don't really care at the moment.

Ashtons wearing a button up shirt, black skinnys, and, what looks like, brand new vans. I am honestly really glad I have him for first period. Maybe I'll even have him for another class. Ashton breaths out a small laugh and shake his head. "No, but you can if you want to," he says and grins at me.

I sit in the seat next to him after I glanced back at the senior who's sitting in the back. He's still staring at me. I don't understand why though. I don't think I'm anything special. I'm popular, but not to the extent that everybody likes me. They may all know me, but not everyone loves me. I don't really mind because I don't talk to everyone. The only people I really associate myself with is Tammy, Angel, and most of the baseball team. Angels on the team and since we hang out so much, I usually find myself going to events and doing activities with him and his team. He's usually with them, Natalie, or me.

"So what do you have for second?" Ashton asks me, gripping my attention away from my thoughts.

I look up to him. "I have American Sign Language."

He checks his schedule hastily. "Hey, I do too!" I'm glad I'm not the only one who looks genuinely happy that we now have two classes together.

First period seemed to fly by, and before I know what to do, the bell rings. As I wait for Ashton to finish packing his things into his black backpack, the senior walks up to me. Once he's right in front of me, I realize that it's one of the baseball players. My school is weird. Usually, the football team should be the most "popular" team in the school, but it's actually the baseball team. I can understand why though. One, the team is legit super hot, two, they're really good at the sport, and three, the baseball outfits look hot on the guys. I know, I sound like a total girl right now, but you would understand if you'd see them in the outfits. This senior just so happens to be one of Angel's closest friends. Not that he isn't close to the other members, but he's particularly close with this one, which is Liam, and another who's name is Sam. I don't know why I didn't notice that the senior was actually Liam the entire time. Since Angel is close to Liam and Sam, I am actually pretty close to them as well.

Liam delivers a "hello Maddy," to me as he pulls me into a hug.

I gladly return the gesture and reply with, "hey Li, how's it goin'?"

"I'm doing good. Haven't talked to you in a while..."

We separate from the hug and I take a quick glance at Ashton, only to see he was no longer standing there. My eyebrows furrow. Where did he go? He was literally just there, packing his things, and now he's not even inside the classroom.

"Something wrong?" Liam questions, noticing me looking around the room.

"Uh, no," I say and shake my head. "We gotta hang out sometime," I suggest and send a smile his way.

He grins back and agrees. "Yeah, I'll text you later and we can figure something out."

We exchange goodbyes and I head out. On my way to second, I constantly search the hallways, trying to see if Ashton was there. He isn't.

I eventually find myself in front of my Sign Language class. I sigh out of relief once I remember Ashton has this class with me. I view the seats in front of me and notice and Ashton was in none of them. I inwardly groan. Where could he have gone! I sound like an obsessive stalker now. Great.

I take a seat in the back, next to Sam, who I totally forgot had this class. I guess after Pj and I broke up, I shut people, except for Angel and Tammy, out so I sort of got distant with all of my other friends. Which is pretty much just the baseball team. That must have been why Liam came up to me.

"Hey Sam," I say after sitting down.

Sam looks up from his phone and sees me. He instantly smiles and wraps me into a hug. "Maddy! I haven't talked to you in forever!"

I send him a guilty look. "I know, I'm sorry. I've just been so caught up with the break up I just didn't feel like talking to anyone, really."

He squints his eyes. "Break up?"

My eyes widen. Crap. I forgot that I never told any of the guys that Pj and I broke up. It have literally been like three months. "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry Sam. I totally forgot to tell you guys. I broke up with Pj."

"You what now? Why'd you do that? What the hell did he do to you?" he asks me, his brotherly side coming out.

"I, um, I don't think I should tell you..." I drift off. I know he'll get mad if I tell him what Pj really did.

"Madison Irene Flores, tell me right now what he did to you before I get up and ask Tammy," he retorts, saying my entire name. Damn it.

"I caught him cheating on me," I answer him a low tone. I prayed that he didn't hear but, but it was not answered.

"What. The. Fuck," he growls lowly. His breathing shortens and I can feel the anger radiating off of him.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you, Sam. I knew you wouldn't like it."

"Damn right I would. Who, in their right mind, wouldn't be mad right now? I'm sorry I'm getting so worked up, but you're like my sister Maddy. I never want anything bad happen to you."

"I know, and I thank you for that. But you couldn't have prevented it. People want what they want and clearly, Pj didn't want me." I would tell him about what happened this morning, but he's mad enough. I don't want him to go on a death spree or anything.

"I wonder what Li will have to say about this," he states, staring directly at me, waiting for my reaction.

My eyes widen and I nearly have a heart attack. "Don't you dare tell him. Unless you want me to kill you, you won't tell him." He chuckles. "Sam, I'm serious, don't tell him!" I whine.

With a smile still playing on his lips, Sam finally agrees. "Fine, I won't tell him, but if he ever finds out, you know he'll be pissed off." Out of the three boy, Angel, Liam, and Sam, Liam is definitely the most violent one. I know if he ever finds out that Pj cheated on me, he will most likely beat the crap out of Pj. That's no bueno.

I sigh softly. "I know. Angel was too, only because he never really cared for P-"

"Don't even say his name unless you want me to hunt him down and beat him up," Sam says, interrupting me.

A giggles comes out of my mouth and that just makes him laugh harder. I'm really glad I have friends. They really do know how to make me feel better. The bell rings as I'm about to reply to Sam and I see something out of the corner of my eye. Ashton.

He takes a seat in the front of the class as it begins. He turns around and glances at me for no longer than a second. For some reason, I saw hurt in his eyes. I don't know why though. Everything was going fine. Until Liam came up to me.

He must think that because I was talking to Liam that I don't like him. Ugh. I guess I can just apologize to him at lunch or something. Maybe I have him for third as well. I hope he doesn't hate me or anything. It's not like I really did anything. I was talking to a close friend who I haven't spoken to in a long time. Then again, he doesn't know that, or who Liam is. I guess I will have to have a chat with Ashton then.

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