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Chapter Thirteen

Maddy's POV

*One week later*


"Yes?" I answer, not looking up from my phone. I was trying to text Pj to see what he's doing later, so that when Angel leaves, I can hang out with him.

"Remember when we met up last week and we apologized and stuff?"

I feel my eyebrows indent. "Uh, yeah, why?" I ask, finally looking up from my phone. He's sitting on the floor, his fingers interlocked, and twiddling his thumbs.

"Well," he pauses. "I forgot to mention something."

My heart beat speeds up a bit. What'd he do? I sigh. "Is it a bad thing?" He slowly nods his head. "Then don't tell me. We're finally starting to act normal and I don't want that to be ruined."

"But this is really important and I want you to hear it from me."

I groan, really not wanting to hear whatever he has to say. "I don't want to know. Just don't tell me, it's not that har-"

"I hooked up with Natalie while we weren't talking," he rushed out, cutting me off. My heart sank and I have the sudden urge to scream. This is why I didn't want him to tell me. "It was a one time thing and I totally regret. It'll never happen again, I promise."

When someone hurts Angel, he acts on impulse and retaliates. But when someone hurts me, I get defensive and try to block my true feelings from showing. "Why do I care?"

"I'm so sor- what?"

"I said why do I care? You're not my boyfriend," I say and laugh pathetically. "Do what you want, it's your life, not mine."

"Maddy don't. Don't do this."

"What? You can react your way but I can't react my own way?"

"That's not what I meant. I know you know you're gonna regret whatever you're about to do."

I sigh in defeat. He's right. I don't want to ruin our friendship once again, especially not over Natalie. I think she's ruined my life enough as it is. "Have I ever told you how much a hate you?" I roll my eyes, but feel a smile breaking free.

Angel smiles and releases a breath of relief. "Plenty of times, Addy, plenty of times."

I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. I forgot that I even hand it. Once I look at the screen I rush of guilt spreads throughout me. "So."


"Well, ya see here, I kind of invited Pj over and um well ya see, he's kind of already here."

"Oh," he says, his smile disappearing. "I'll just-"

"No, don't leave," I hear someone say. I look at the entrance of the living room and see Ayden standing there. I forgot he was even here. Oops. Hashtag horrible babysitter. "We can all watch a movie," he suggests, smiling. Ayden and Angel this connection, well more so a bond, and I can tell Ayden really looks up to Angel. It's cute, really.

The doorbell rings and I look up to Angel. "So?"

He sighs loudly. "Fine, I'll stay, but only because you asked me to," he says while running to Ayden, trying to tickle him. Of course, Ayden begins to run around screaming. He's how old and he acts like he's five?

I walk to the door because I've waited too long and I kind of feel bad because it's really cold out. "Maddy," Pj greets with a grin, holding his arms out.

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