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Chapter Three

"So you are going tonight, right Addy?" Angel asks me.

I reply with a groan. "Do I have to?

"Yes! You do! And you also have to ask Ashton to come with," Tammy demands.

I raise my eyebrows. "I have to what now?"

Tammy rolls her eyes. "You must ask Ashton to go with us to Steven's party."

When I go to protest, Ashton appears up and I see him walking in the hallway. "Um, I'll see you guys later," I say to Tammy and Angel who are suspiciously eyeing me. I hear them mumble, but I dodn't make out the words they say as I walk away. "Hey Ash." I decided to use a nickname because maybe he won't be as mad. He stops walking and looks at me. I send him a smile and he doesn't send one back. He just looks away to the side, slightly cocks his heard down.

"Hey," he mumbles. Damn it. I think I really did hurt him.

I silently sigh. "Look, I'm sorry if you thought I was ignoring you when I was talking to Liam, but I can assure you that I wasn't. You were packing your things and then Li came up to me and started talking to me because I haven't seen him in forever. And-" I sigh once more. "I'm sorry Ash," I continue before biting my lip.

Ashton silently groans, but I still hear him. "It's alright. I just thought you lik- never mind. We're good," he quips.

"I'm sorry, you what?" I slightly smirk. Does he like me?

His cheeks get a little red and he shakes his head. "Nothing."

I decide to drop it and not embarrass him any further. "So," I start, wanting to change the subject, "Tammy and I are going to this party tonight. Do you wanna go with us? Tammys driving..."

I see him bite back a smile. "Um, yeah, sure."

I smile, glad he's going to go. Who knows what we can turn out to be. I just hope, if are in a relationship in the future, that he doesn't make the same mistake as Pj.

I hear a honk and we both turn to look at the car that made the noise. "My dads here, I gotta go. See ya later Maddy," he says, trying to walk away.

"Wait, can I get your number so I can text you the details? I don't even know where you live."

"Uh, yeah," he says as I dig for my phone that's in my pocket. I hand the device to him and he punches in his digits. He hands me my phone back and says bye again, then walks away.

I skip back to Angel and Tammy and they look as if they had just seen the entire conversation unfold. I wouldn't put it past them.

"So is he going?" Tammy asks. I nod my head yes. "Thank god. Once he started to walk away, I got worried." Angel and I chuckle. "Well, bye Angel. I gotta go make Maddy hot," she says, making me glare at her.

"Are you trying to say that I'm not hot without you?"

"You said it, not me," she teases.

Once we were in the car, I decide to text Ashton.


Hey Ash, it's Maddy. Are you still on for tonight?


Yeah, totally. MY dad said it was alright, so I think I'm good to go. What time are you guys coming?


Around seven. The party starts at six, but nobody shows up early.


Alright, see ya then.

He sends me his address as Tammy pulls into my driveway. There are no other cars in the driveway, so I suspect my parents are still working and my brothers are out.

I step out of my bathroom, wrapped in my towel. I walk over to Tammy who is currently looking through my closet, trying to find me something good to wear for tonight. "How about this?" she asks, holding up my white lace top and my American flag demin shorts.

"Sure. Pick out a pair of shoes and some earrings, or something." She nods, walking over to my vanity. I go back into the bathroom and start to change. I finish and walk back out to find Tammy sitting on my vanity stool. "What'd you find Tam?"

She grabs what she found off of the vanity and sets them in my hands. A gold cross double ring, triple dagger earrings, and a gold tone slinky chain necklace. "The shoes are over on your bed. Its the lacey slip-ons."

I put everything else on and before I know it, it's already seven. "Are you ready to go Tam?"

She nods and we walk out to her car. We arrive at Ashton's house a short time after I text his that we were on our way. He strides out of his house wearing a plain white shirt, beige cargo shorts, and black vans. A classic look, nice. He topped it off with a gray beanie.

We all exchanged hello's once he got into the car and then we were off to pick up Alex. "So listen Ashton," Tammy starts as we're on our way to the party, "the guy that's throwing the party's name is Aaron. Try to avoid him. He's a total jerk and gets whatever he wants. Get on his bad side and you're screwed."

Ashton nods once. "Got it. No talky with Aaron." I laugh. He's adorable.

We get to the party and the house was filled with other students from our school. I grab Ashton's hand, not wanting to get separated from him tonight. I look up to him and smile. He reciprocates it and we follow Tammy and Alex into the kitchen. We find a cooler so we all get drinks.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask Ashton while letting go of his hand so that I can open the cooler.

"Um, a Dr. Pepper, please," is his response. I grab two sodas and hand one to him before taking a seat on the counter. Tammy and Alex disappear somewhere, but I'm not so bothered about where they went. That's when it became awkward.

"So," I say.

"Um," he pauses, "so listen Maddy."

I glance up at him. "Yeah?"

He stares at the ground and replies. "I was wondering..." He suddenly looks up at me and we stare into each other's eyes. He stays quiet for a few minutes until he finally speaks up again. "Would you like to go on a date with me on Friday?" Of all the things he could have asked me, I was not expecting this to be it. I wasn't even sure if he liked me or not. Of course I do, so I naturally agree. "Really?" he questions.

He must be as shocked as I was when he asked me on a date. "Yeah, of course. Who wouldn't say yes to you," I say, then immediately put my hand over my mouth. I begin to blush, embarrassed of what I just said to him.

His hand reaches up for mine and he pulls it away from my face. "You know, you shouldn't hide something so beautiful." I blush even more at his statement. He lets go of my hand and says sorry. I take hold of his hand once more and play with his fingers.

"Don't be. It's fine, really. I'm just not used to guys complimenting me like that."

"I don't see why anyone wouldn't." For about an hour more, we talk about random topics, until we hear yelling from outside. We glance at each other first, and then go outside to see what's going on. I see a drunk Aaron trying to pick a fight with a drunk Alex. Tammy and Jenny, Aaron's girlfriend, were trying to stop them, but they wouldn't budge.

"Do something, you pansy," Aaron slurs. Alex strikes Aaron in the nose and Aaron instantly gets bloody nose. With blood dripping out of his nose, Aaron tries to kick Alex, but miserably fails. Alex grabs Aaron's leg and pushes it back to where Aaron flips over and lands on the ground with a thud.

"I'm done," Alex garbles. He walks towards Tammy, while Jenny rushed to aid Aaron. After, what I'm sure was a five minute lecture, they both head over to where Ashton and I were standing.

"Let's go guys," Tammy says, sounding disappointed. We all walk to the car in silence. Even the drive back to everyone's houses were silent, except for when Ashton told me he was excited for his date with me and that he couldn't wait for it.

"Me either," I reply with a huge grin on my face.

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