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***Just as a single author's note. Some parts of this story are influenced by my own. Not neccesarily directly, but they are. This is why I have decided to publish it chapter-by-chapter. The space between chapters could be anything from a day to a matter or weeks. Feel free to comment, vote ect, but bear in mind, this is the first long story that I have written so be nice***

It was getting colder, but it always did when he was around. He had this aura around him, one that chilled spines and froze hairs on end. This wasn't metaphorical. Despite the fact he was only 15 years old, no one used his real name. He was simply Freeze, nothing more, nothing less. Around the age of 13 Freeze earnt his namesake, the glacial power of ice. It was not without cost though. Freeze's powers were unstable, and, as mentioned before, he had a pemanant cold aura around him. A blessing and a curse. People tended to stay away from him, but at the same time would be amazed by his powers. Everyone who knew who he was knew him for his powers, but after two years, people had gotten used to it, everyone except Freeze. His powers amazed him as much as everyone else, and had worked hard to control him. They had become his obsession, and who could blame him? He did his best not to use his powers at school, but sometimes he couldn't help it, whether it be freezing a drinking fountain mid-stream, or freezing the ground below someone's feet to make them slip, he would occasionally prank someone with them, as harmlessly as he could. He never hurt anyone with his powers, badly. Unfortunately, he rarely found any constructive uses for it. He tried to, once, when there were extremely strong rains when he was in Year 8, and the entire art block's courtyard had flooded. He froze the entire thing, but what he didn't realise is that the water had been pushing up against two of the doors leading into the art block, which resulted into the ice blocking the doors. Thankfully, one of the doors opended inwards, but people going out had to be wary of the step and anyone walking in the courtyard would be at risk of slipping. Freeze was congratulated by some and laughed at by others, but those who laughed at him got more than their just desserts later.

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