Stressful first day

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(4am) you woke up to the sound of (d/n) crying you look up to find her in Lena's arms and Lena trying to calm her "need help?", "oh sorry for waking you up luv and yeah can you hold (d/n) while I get her bottle ready", you nod and take (d/n) out of Lena's hands and rocked her slowly side to side Lena got up and started pouring milk into a bottle you look over at Lena "hey Lena watch", she looked over at you and you tickled (d/n) chin and she did a small laugh like Lena's she blinked over to you and looked at (d/n) smiling and did s voice to her lie you would use on baby's or dogs "aww who has a cute little laugh", you smiled at both of them you and Lena exchanged a kiss and she went back and picked up the bottle and tested it on the wrist to see if it was warm enough "yep it's perfect, luv its time to feed (d/n)", you looked at Lena and nodded you gently handed (d/n) to Lena she started to feed her and shushing her softly

(After feeding) "do you want to burp her luv?", "sure", she handed (d/n) to you and you patted her back gently once you heard her burp you rocked her slowly in your arms you noticed Lena was taking a picture but you didn't care, after a few minutes she fell asleep in your arms you laid her in her bed beside Lena's hospital bed and Lena sat on your knee on the couch she kissed you cheek and you did the same back "ya know Lena (d/n) looks exactly like you", "I don't see it luv she definitely has your eyes", you laugh "well she has your cute laugh", you said back to Lena she smiled at you and ye shared a few kisses until you heard a BEEP! "Sorry Lena that's my phone","it's Winston he wants to know how we are and the new baby", you texted him back "we are all fine Winston (d/n) is beautiful and I can't wait for you to meet her", you sent that and put your phone away and you noticed Lena was already back in bed so you decided to go to sleep

(Morning time)
You woke up around 2 hours later (so 6:30am) and made breakfast for you and Lena eggs toast and sausages Lena got up 15 minutes later "morning luv", "morning Lena" "shhh quiet don't want to wake (d/n)", but it was too late she started crying "she must have ears like you Lena hears everything", she giggled at you and you went into the hospital room and picked up (d/n) and tickled her chin "who's my little special girl huh? You are", she did her little cute giggle and you smiled at her Lena came up and kissed your cheek "she is going to be mummy's little girl", Lena picked (d/n) out of your hands and did a little spin and you laughed and kissed Lena and (d/n)s heads she, (d/n) opened her eyes and looked straight into Lena's eyes Lena started to cry you didn't know why but out didn't question it  you wiped .her tear away and she did a weak smile at you the rest of the day you chilled and fed (d/n) a bit more

I'm sorry for the shortish chapter I have a busy day but I didn't want to let ye down with no chapter love ye and see ye soon

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