Jesus Christ I Need Help

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I hear a shriek as I slowly pick myself up off the road, my side throbbing. "Oh my God, are you okay?" I was hit by a fricking cart what the heck do you think? I look at who said that, my heart beating faster. Alyssa. Oh my God, keep your cool, keep your cool.

I nod my head, not daring to trust what I'd say. I keep my hand on my side and see a figure appear next to my crush. Derek, of course. He's her boyfriend, I should've known that he'd hit me. After all, we used to be best friends. Totally inseparable, until I told him that I was moving and then I really didn't. It wasn't my fault though, how was I supposed to know that I wasn't moving? I was only 7. After that, he hated me. His loss.

Derek smirks at me and grabs Alyssa's waist, "Don't mind the dweeb, babe. He's fine." He shoots me a glare and I roll my eyes. Talk about childish, jeez.

I pick my phone up off the ground and examine it. Cracked, of fricking course. What else could go wrong today? I continue walking to my math class and I hear the pounding of feet behind me. I flinch from the sound and stop in my tracks. My backpack is yanked and I almost fall on my butt. I already know what's coming for me, it's happened one too many times.

"Hey dweeb, I wasn't finished talking to you," his rough voice whispers in my ear and I close my eyes.

"Well what do you want? I don't have all day. I need to get to class," I reply, annoyed. He pushes me to the muddy ground and kicks my side that wasn't hurt, I gasp and groan out in pain. Douchebag. I groan and cover myself as I feel a kick in between my legs; I roll into my side and the contents of last night's dinner comes up. Don't fight, don't fight! It takes everything I have to get up and slowly walk away, walking right into my class. If I didn't look horrible before, then I do now, I definitely do now.

I walk to a desk in the back and my teacher watches me. He appears next to my desk, "Mr. Lawson, are you okay?" I hear, not daring to look up. I nod my head.

"You can come to any of the teachers if you're getting bullied, okay? We are here for you," he says with a smile in his voice. His steps recede in the distance as he walks to his desk.

"I'm not getting bullied," I reply and take out a notebook and my sketchbook. I open my notebook to the first page, open my sketchbook to a new page. I start drawing in my sketchbook, soon becoming engrossed in it.

I jump as the bell rings, and look around to see if anyone saw. Luckily no one did. Wait, someone did. I peer at the person, curiously looking at her. She smiled at me and I smiled in return. Where have I seen her before? I look at the door as I hear a knock. I dont don't see anyone getting the door, so I get up and limp towards the door, pushing the pain in my sides down. I open the door and turn to walk away. As I'm walking to my desk, Mr. Hackanson asks the person if they have a slip, by the awkward silence in the class, I'm guessing they don't.

"Jake, please take..." Mr. Hackanson pauses, I'm assuming he doesn't know the kids name.

"Alec," comes the reply from the student.

"Yes, thank you. Jake please take Alec to the office so he can get a slip." I nod my head and walk towards the door, Alec following right behind me.

Once the door closes, I take a good look at him. Tall and broad shouldered, great posture, dark straight hair with bright green eyes. No, I'm not gay but if I was, I would date him in a heartbeat. Wait, what am I saying? I didn't mean that!

I look at Alec, "so...I'm assuming you're new." He nods his head.

"That noticeable," he sheepishly questions.

With that, I softly chuckle, "sorry dude, but yeah. It also doesn't help that you showed up late, without a slip. The teachers hate that, just an fyi." He nods and we continue walking in silence.

As we approach the office, he looks at me with fear filled eyes. "It's okay, nothing bad is gonna happen, they'll just give you a slip and send you on your way." He nods his head.

Ah social anxiety, quite lovely. I know how you feel dude.

The sliding doors open up and we enter the building. With my help, he walks up to the counter marked Attendance.

The woman on in the other side of the counter huffs and glares at us. "Can I help you?" She asks.

"Yeah, he needs a slip. He was late for 1st period," I tell her.

"Teacher and room?" She looks at me, expectantly.

"Hackanson, M03," I reply.

She looks at Alec, "Name?"

He looks around then points at himself, the woman rolls her eyes, and I suppress a fit of laughter. "Me? Oh, um yeah i knew that," he nervously laughs, "Alec Jakobson."

She hands the slip to Alec and we walk back to class.

Awkward silence fills our walk. We're almost to class, I need to know this kid more, God dang it!

"Hey what's your number?" I blurt out, heat rises to my cheeks. Wow, nice going Jake. Smooth move.

He also blushes and then tells me his number.

Maybe this will be a good day after all.


Hey everyone! Thanks so much for reading this. Sorry I took so long to update, I just got side tracked. Well I'm planning on making a 4th chapter very soon. I'm also thinking about entering this into the #WattysAwards. So please vote, comment, subscribe (maybe even refer to your friends?)! Xoxo thanks so much :)

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