Chapter 7-I Need Your Help

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Bark and Bite 7


"That has to be the hardest training session I've ever done" I exclaimed as Rashida and I walked back to our rooms

"Yeah I think after what happened to Charlie Sky's when all super, overprotective alpha on us" she said as we climbed the stairs

"Guys thank god your here" Charlie said from her room door"I need you help, get in here now"

"But...." I started before I was dragged into the room

"I really, really need your help" she said as she paced her room, her heart hammering in her chest

"Charls calm down, what's all this about?" Rashida asked

She took a few breaths to calm herself before saying "Jacob came to see me this morning whilst you were at training"

"WHAT!" Rashida shouted

"Who's Jacob?" I asked confused

------------------------------------Charlie's POV

After filling in Alexia, I filled them in on the events of this morning

"So he wants to meet up with you at the lake........tonight?"Rashida asked

"Yes" I replied exasperated

"Well obviously you can't go" she said heading for the door

"Wait what!, I have to go, it's the only way Lewana will let me heal" I told her

"I thought you were healing?" Alexia asked as Rashida sat back down on my bed

"No, and every time I ask she always says 'not until I get my mate back' an it's driving me crazy, but I can't do this alone, I told him to come back at 5 so I could give him my answer" I told them

"But that's only 20 minutes from now!" Alexia exclaimed looking at the clock

"So are you with me" I asked sheepishly

"Totally" Alexia beamed

"Rashida?" I questioned because I don't think I could do this without my best friend

"Yes, but only because I have something to tell y'all too" Rashida said standing up and walking to the window


Rashida's POV

"Tell us what?" Charlie ask as I looked out into the semi-darkness of the night

"Well you remember Jacob's friend?" I asked

"Yeah, his name was Chresanto or something like that" Charlie said with a confused look in her face

"Yep that's him...... Well um ... You see..... Well um it's like this.....emmmmm......uhhh umm....." I stuttered

"Rashida you okay? You know you can tell us anything" Alexia asked

"Me and Chresanto are mates" I rushed out only to be tackled into one of Charlie's death grip hugs

"Yay, that's why we're such good friends cos our mates are friends too" she said in my ear excitedly

"Ow my ear" I said struggling out of her grip

"So your in?" Charlie asked jumping up and down

"Defiantly, but on one condition" I smirked, a plan forming in my head


Charlie's POV

As 5 o'clock came around their was a tap on my window, I opened it to see a small sparrow sitting by my window

"Jacob?" I asked and the bird nodded

"Um Charlie that's a sparrow" Alexia pointed out

"No shit Sherlock" I rolled my eyes at her "Jacob can shape shift remember!" I reminded her

"Yeah it's not like he could just walk up to the pack house and knock on the door" Rashida pointed out

"I'm still pretty sure that's a sparrow" alexia said folding her arms across her chest

"Hissssss" Jacob bared his fangs at my friend and they flew 10 feet in the air. I couldn't help but laugh

"Well that was creepy" Rashida exclaimed as she carefully approached the vampier sparrow that was my mate

"Well I've, I mean we've made a decision" I said looking at the small bird in front of me

"We'll meet you at the lake, all of us" I told him

"But to keep things even, you can bring your friend Chresanto" Rashida added

"And one other, as long as they can be trusted" Alexia finished, Jacob looked at all of us and nodded again before flying out the window doing a loop-the-loop in the process that I couldn't help but laugh at


Jacobs POV

I walked in to the clan house only to have my lips savagely attacked by the clan whore Prada

"WHAT THE FUCK PRADA?" I asked pushing her out of my face and walking up to my room

"I missed you Jakie" she said with a voice that was like nails on a chalkboard

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'M NOT INTERESTED " I told her

"But..." She started before I slammed my room door in her face

"Jacob?" Ray asked looking up from the floor, he was sitting on my bed with something in his hands

"Hay Ray" I said sitting beside him "what's that" I asked pointing to the thing in his hands

"It's us" he said showing me a photograph of the four I us, Me, Chresanto, Him and Craig

"This was took a few months after Craig was turned, when we went to that camp remember"

"Oh yeah, you killed the camp director and Roc thought he had aids" I chuckled

"Good times" he laughed

"In my defence, I didn't know what aids were and you guys told me they were penis muscles" Roc said from the door and Ray and I fell to the floor laughing

"So what brings you back Jacob?" Chresanto asked changing the subject

"I need your help" I said my laughter dieing down


Hey so here's another chapter, sorry I haven't updated in a while but my parents have just split up and I've just moved house so I haven't had internet for a nearly two weeks

I also need your help, I want to do a few chapters where the girls are in school but because I'm from Scotland and this is set in America so I'm not sure how the whole grade thing works like 5th grade ,6th grade sorta thing cos over here it's just primary 1 to 7 then in high school it's 1 to 6 so help PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU :'(



See you soon my fallen angels

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