Chapter 23

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That's a picture of Tiana.❤

I woke up and look at the time it was 7:30. I quickly spread my bed.
"Yeah mom."
"Get up,or you'll be late."
"Okay mom."
I took at shower and put on a black pant with a white polo blouse and my black and white Adidas. I curl my hair. And put on my perfume, and my jewelries. I grab my bag and my phone. I jog downstairs, grab a apple told mom goodbye and got in the jeep.
"Morning Stephen."
"Morning Krissy, you're late."
"I know."
We head to school. I arrived at 8:00. Shit class start 8:30.
I open the door and jump out.
I ran to my locker and took out my books and went to class.
I arrived at class at 8:07. I was taking private class.
My teacher came in the class.
" Good Morning Krislee."
"Good morning Mrs. Snow."
"How are you this morning?"
"I'm fine."
"Okay read up page 34-37 in your Social Studies book."
"Okay miss."
I took out my book and start reading the pages.

The bell rang signaling time for the next class. I put away my social studies book and took out my maths book. I sat there bored. Why wasn't I like the rest of the kids. I question myself.
"Good morning ms. Rowe."
"Good morning Mr. knight."
"Okay today we'll be doing algebra."
"Copy these off the board."
I copy the work off the board and complete it. I got m book mark then sat there.
"You may use your phone."
"Okay sir."
I took out my phone and went on WhatsApp.
😖 where are you?
At school,but I'm taking private class.
Business can't talk I think you knew.
No b.
See you after school love.
I put away my phone. And rest my head on the desk. The door open. And shara came in.
"Hey girl."
"Never knew you take private class."

The bell rang signaling time for lunch. The door open and my lunch has arrived. YeH thats how it goes now. I can't leave my class unless I'm going home.
I took my lunch and ate.
I went on WhatsApp and make a status.
I'm so bored right now!
200 people view my status.
Baby girl
Are you okay?
Not really
I'm at school and  I'm taking private class so I'm lonely.
Hush sweetie

The bell rang signaling lunch is up. 1 more class and I can go home.
"Good afternoon Ms. Rowe."
"Good afternoon Mr. Jonas."
"Take out your English language book and read page 100-103."
I took out my book and read the pages.
I'm in 10th grade guys.

The bell rang signaling time to go home. I pack up my things then head outside to meet Tiana.
Me: where are you girl?
~Tiana~👑: at the fountain.
Me: I'm coming.
~Tiana~👑: okay.
I went at the fountain to meet tiana.
"Hey krissy!"
"Hey,I should be home now, but its because I haven't seen u in a long while."
"Smile,tomorrow is my cake day!"
"Okay sis, I'll talk to u tomorrow Stephen is here."
I ran and got into the jeep.
I heard people shouting my name.I quicky got in the jeep. Stephen sped off down the road.
I just lay down on the seat.
I reach home and went to my room and flop down on my bed and fell asleep.

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