Chapter 29

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And all we wanna do it party all night✨💯

I woke up and roll over into something hard. I quickly got up and see a sleeping jack beside me.
"Yeah Krissy?"
"What you doing in here?"
I sigh.
I look at myself to see if I was naked.
"We didn't do anything Krissy."
"Guys!" Called jack mom.
"Yeah!" We both answer.
"Can I come in?"
"Yeah," I said.
The open and his mom came in.
"Guys we will be going to a award ceremony so get ready."

I got up and went to my bathroom. I took off my clothes and took a shower, then brush my teeth. I dried off myself then put on my clothes.

I put on my perfume then took up my phone and walk downstairs. I got into the jeep and we went to the ceremony.
When we arrived it was full. We gotta walk a red carpet. No no,I was planning on walking it with my mom.
We got out. Jack and I hold hands and walk the red carpet. Some questions were fired at us. But we just ignore them. We made our way inside and take our seat.
I was seated near to Zayn Malik. I almost scream. I bite my lips and cover my face.
"Krissy are you okay?"
"I'm sitting next to Zayn Malik!"
"Calm down," jack said laughing.
I smile.
The ceremony began. I took out my phone and video call mom.
Me: hey mom
Mom:hey sweetie
Zayn look around,he recognize the voice. I smile at him and he smile back and turn around. Gigi look at me and I just roll my eyes. She just smile at me.
Me:I'm at a ceremony
Mom: i know sweetie
Me:you okay?
Mom:yeah hbu
Me:yes mom,I'm not gonna hang up,you gonna watch it with me.
Mom:okay baby.
Gigi look at the phone screen and gasp. I roll my eyes.
Zayn went up and talk,Gigi mouth was the loudest in the place.Zayn give her a look like shut the fuck up. And she became silent. Other artist and celebrities went up.
Me:bye mom
Mom:okay sweetie love you
Me:love you too
I hang up the phone and touch zayn.
Me: um hi
Me:can I take a picture with you?
I ask jack if he could take the picture and he said yes.
We took couple pictures then jack and I took couple together, then I took by myself. We left the ceremony and went to had dinner. Jack,me,his mom,his dad and his sister sat round a table talking and laughing. We order our meals and ate. When we finish eating we went home. I took a shower then went to bed.

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