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"Tonight we are victorious.  Champagne pouring over us.  All my friends were glorious.  Tonight we are victorious."

March 11, 2017

"Are you getting excited for graduation?"

I sigh into the receiver, "Yeah, I guess so? I still have another month and a half of classes though, so it's not really real yet."

"Your father and I booked our flight to come down for graduation. I believe we'll get there on the 11th? Graduation is on the 14th, correct?"

"Yes mother." The last time I called my mom was s few months ago. I had to tell her that Luke and I were no longer together, and she pretty much had a meltdown. Then yesterday when I was on the phone with Drew, he let it slip that he told mom that Grayson and I were dating.  I knew if I didn't call her she would overreact about how I never tell her anything, so I wanted to get it over with.

"Good... So, how has the wedding planning been going for Julie? I talked to her mother in Target this week and she is just so excited for it."

I put the phone on speaker and set it on the counter. "It's going fine. She's got bridesmaid dresses picked out, so I'm sure she'll have her dress picked out soon too." I go and grab my laundry out of the dryer and begin folding it on the couch.

"Well, she'll look gorgeous no matter what she wears. She's always been such a natural beauty," I roll my eyes while I fold one of Grayson's sweatshirts, that was one of her subtle digs at me.

"She sure has."  I say passively as I fold another shirt.

"She is just so fortunate to have found a guy like Tyler." She praises, while I wordlessly roll my eyes.

My mother is quiet for a second before her voice comes across again, "You know, Luke always kind of reminded me of Ty."

Because he and Ty are both cheaters?  I bite my tongue and go with a better response, "Yeah?  How so?" I question, feigning interest.

"Well, they're both intelligent, talented, and respectable... both of them have very level tempers and have great reputations unlike some other--"

I stop her, "Grayson is all of those things... and he doesn't have a problem controlling his temper."

"I never said anything about Grayson Honey, why would I-"  Her tone laced with fake surprise.

"Don't play dumb Mom.  I know Drew told you that Grayson and I were dating." I say sternly.

She sighs, "Honey, I just don't want you to get caught up with someone who isn't good for you."

I snort, "Whatever.  You just want to make sure I'm with someone good enough for you to brag about."

"That's not true.  Sweetheart, Grayson seems... well... unstable.  I've seen how he lashes out during games... and he just got a technical a few days ago because of his temper."

That was true, he did get a technical foul against Clemson, but it wasn't that big of a deal.  He slammed the ball, so what?  Tons of players do that, but, of course, Grayson immediately gets called for it.  He wasn't mad, he was just frustrated.

"Mom, he's not-" I start.

"Oh, honey, I have to go.  Your father is calling.  I love you, bye."

I hear the click before I get a chance to say goodby and I sigh, "Love you too, mom."

I rake my fingers through my hair in frustration and go back to folding clothes.  I few minutes later my phone rings, and Gray's name lights up the screen.  I hit answer and put it on speaker phone.

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