Eve of the Forest. Eve of Dean. Known to most as Eden. I never got to find out why.
Mind, I never got to know her half as well as I wanted to, but I guess I wasn't her type, we'd have clashed. She's not bossy, but she knows what she wants and she knows how to get it and before you know it she's talked you into it, probably against your better judgement. Problem is, so am I. Like I said, we'd have clashed if we'd got closer than we did.
She was the last person I'd have thought would fall for a vampire, though. Especially a guy. Not that he's around any more, and that's par for the course for Eden, but she said they were close. Like, real close, for about a hundred years.
I mean, she's got nothing against guys, and she's often letting them out of her front door looking dazed and dishevelled, but more often than not she's all about the ladies.
Before she was turned she ran an apothecary, called herself a potion maker. My guess is she was a witch, but they burned you for that shit back then and if she was she's not saying. Nowadays she makes wicked cocktails. Course, she can't drink 'em, but that doesn't stop her. She can't eat real food, either, but she's still one of the best cooks I ever met.
There's a cat, big black thing, goes everywhere with her. Even in the earliest photos I saw of her she had the cat. Might be she turned it, might be she's had a long succession of identical black cats. You tell me.
What's she look like? Beautiful. Long brown hair that's got a mind of its own, same as her brother's and he's a vampire too, by the way, but that's a different story. All I know about him is he was due to be hung. Highwayman, he was, and she got the body cut down and got him turned. I only saw him the once though. They were close once, but that was long before my time.
Sorry, I got sidetracked, happens more of late. She always wore a row of stones across her forehead, and she's got these unusual eyes. Pale they are, and some lights they look blue, some green, other times grey and occasionally they'll be brown. She says she doesn't remember, she's not looked in a mirror for so long. She's short, but you forget that, seeing her in the flesh. Larger than life could've been written to describe her. She's slender but curvy, legs to die for.
I haven't seen her in a while now.
She went off travelling and I stayed here.
She stretched her wings and flew away.
I guess I got old and she never did.
I don't think I want her to come back and see me like this, I've got daughters look her age now, but if you see her, tell her I think about her a lot, and wish her well from me.
I guess I'll always be a little bit in love with her.
Don't tell her that bit.
She probably already knows.
Eve, of Dean
Short StoryEden is Shade's sister. She's cute, fun, funny. She's drunk a lot. She makes potions, sometimes she drinks them. She's a very talented witch. And she's a vampire. She has a cat called 'Mr Fluffy'. Sometimes he's called 'Lord Fluffy'. You know...