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Bri was in her bathroom brushing her curly tangled hair."I hate you so much!"She said to her hair as it got caught in her brush."You almost ready to go?"Her twin sister Maat yelled from the bottom of the stairs."For what exactly?"I ask yelling back to my sister.She heard someone running up the steps so she stuck her head out the bathroom.Maat whispered in her ear."That party in the woods for our birthday." "Oh yea......the party."She said worried about having a party in the middle of the woods."So let's go!"Maat said clearly excited about the party."Yea lets go"She said as her sister bolted for the car.Bri walked at a moderate pace to the car not to keen on going."It will be ok.........I invited your best friends!"Maat said "Thanks!" She said suddenly excited about the whole idea of the party."No problem sis!"Maat said as she gave her sister a hug.Her sister started the car and they began their semi-long ride.Bri slipped into a dreamless sleep .She woke with a jolt as the car came to a holt."We are here!"Maat almost screamed into her ear."Yea I can tell."She said still tired from her nap."Wait where is everyone?" She said just noticing that there were no people in sight."There here up a head a bit!"Maat said "Oh ok!"She said rembering that her Bestfriends will be here."Ok let's go."Her sister said as they both got out the car in sync."Yea lets go!" She said as her sister ran ahead so she followed.As she was running she fell behind and thought that she saw a pair of glowing golden eyes in a dark cave."Is anyone in there?"She called into the cave then the eyes disappeared and her sister came in the direction she was originally supposed to be going."Who were you talking to?"Maat said to her."Um no one......Did you find the others?"She said the eyes vivid in her mind."No but I went where we were going to meet you think they are ok?"Her sister said to her looking around the vast forest."Eh I'm not sure but I think we should try to find them."She said worried for her friends safety and about the glowing wolf-like eyes and what the creature they belong to might have done."Lets go north."She added about the direction they should start with."Uh yea but which way is north?"her sister said clearly not knowing and the worst part is she didn't know what way was north either."To tell you the truth I'm not sure."She said in a whisper.Maat face palmed "Why don't you know you are the one wh-"Her sisters words were cut off by a deep throaty growl and the pair of golden eyes appeared "What ever you do don't run......It looks canine so if we back away slo-"But her words were cut off as the creature which looked like a large wolf pounced on Maat from the shadows."Help me!!!"Her sister screamed as Maat blocked her throat from the attack."Im coming!"She yelled then turned around to see if any thing that could be used as a weapon was near by.She turned her head back to her sister as she was still pinned the creature clawing at her chest and biteing with much force on her arm. She saw a flash of what looked like a piece of glass.She ran to it quickly picking it up. As it was in her hand it sliced her palm and drips of blood feel to the ground.The creature must have smelled her blood as it had snapped its head to her so she went into a defense position glass in her right arm she waited for it to attack.The creature sprung for her but it landed on the shard of glass.It clawed in agony and managed to claw her A few times.The creature struggled off of her and ran off into the forest leaving spots of blood in its wake.Bri took off her button up shirt and wrapped it around the most injured spot on her body which was bleeding heavily.She looked over to where her sister lay her body shuddering with each raspy breath. "It's gone now"She said looking down at her bloodied sister's wounds.Knowing Maat wouldn't be able to get up on her own she dragged her sister to the car.She opened the back door with her weaker arm and layed her sister down.She quickly raced to the drivers seat and sped out of the forest and onto a highway and began going 100 MPH to the nearest hospital.They arrived at a hospital so she ran as fast as she could inside to get help.They ran out with a stretcher and placed Maat on it then took her inside."What happened?"One man asked "W-Wolf!"She shuddered at the name then all went into a blur as she collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss.

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