"He's a wolf!" Bri exclaimed "How can you be sure?" She quickly added wondering how she could tell for no one would tell such a secret to a person they just meet."I could er smell him"Her sister muttered scuffing her shoes together."How could you be sure?" She repeated staring intently into her sister's amber eyes.Every since they had become "Wolves" Their eyes and hair color had changed. Bri used to have boring dark brown eyes, Now she had beautiful blue eyes.Her hair had changed a almost silver color.She liked it.Most people thought she and her sister had used contacts and dyed their hair.Maat's hair went from a medium brown to almost pitch black,and her eyes had turned from dark brown to amber.Which on a side note liked really cool."Because he smelled like you! But not you,it was like how you began smelling when we turned!" Her sister suddenly snapped."Shut up!"She snapped slapping her hand over her sister's mouth."Someone will hear us!"She growled feeling her canines sharpen. "I-I'm sorry!"Her sister muttered looking at the ground again. "We need t-" She began then was cut off as their principle was coming their way. "What's going on here?!?" Mrs.Fray snapped. "W-We were on our wa-..." She was cut off again by Mrs.Fray. "Save it!Now to my office!"Mrs.Fray ordered looking at them with narrowed eyes.She couldn't be sure but she thought she saw Mrs.Fray's eyes turn to slits.Like a cat's.She shook her had and looked back and they were the same as before.Human.Their principle began walking forward so she began following head low and Maat did the same.They were led into a dark room which didn't look like the office she knew.She felt her wolf form beginning to come out so she snapped her canines drawing blood and causing her other form to go back down.She watched as Mrs.Fray circled them and her eye's were slits again."I know what you two are..." Mrs.Fray said still circling them. "But what are you?"She said arching a eyebrow."Lets just say I'm well feline and you two are "Dogs".Mrs.fray said spitting the dog part.She now noticed Mrs.Fray's hand well now paws.That claws had begun to emerge.She shifted in a few seconds then nodded for Maat to do the same.Shay {Mrs.Frays first name} quickly shifted into a large black panther her green eyes gleaming in the darkness. She could now hear Maat whimpering behind her. /"Get your self together!/ she growled. Flicking her ears to the sound of Shay's long claws on the marble floor.She had to do this now...but she could not do it now.She would need her sister's help.Could she use her telekinetic "abilities"?She thought to herself looking to her cowering sister.The two had practiced, but how could she reach her with such stress for both of them.I guess I have to try... /Maat? Can you hear me?/ /Yea....What do you need....besides the fact that were facing a 700 pound cat!/ Her sister growled. /That's why I'm connecting to you...We are going to attack...like how we hunted that deer alright? I pounce and you follow./ The black she-wolf just nodded to her.Bri pounced on the large feline sinking her canines into the feline's scruff causing blood to form around the bite.The large panther let out a loud yowl of pain escape it's muzzle.Shay collapsed beneath her then rolled over clawing at her belly.She looked to her sister for help with pleading eyes...
Why did you change!?
Hombres Lobo2 sisters turned werewolves on their 16th birthday.Things are going great they have everything under control.They they meet him.