Bendy and the Kink Machine

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I kinda went down a strangely sexual road while I was writing this lmao. This chapter is weird.


"Good morning, (Y/N)" he greeted, now knowing your name. You said hello back, reaching to the back door and walking to it to jump in.

"(Y/N), I told you already, you can sit in the front if you want. I really don't mind." He reminded you. Under any normal circumstance you would've taken the offer, but now, with bendy in your bag you didn't want to risk being seen with him.

"No, it's fine, really." You shrugged, "I sometimes feel a bit sick in the front seat anyway."

"No problem." The driver smiled, as you climbed in the backseat, dropping your bag down in between your legs, on the floor in front of the seat. He beginning to drive off once you were buckled up.

You were about to start conversation with the guy, but then a certain someone poked their head out of the bag. You tried to ignore him to and talk to the driver, but as soon as you looked away from him he started poking your thigh.

"Bendy! Stop that, get back in there!" You whispered. He only smiled at you.

"No way. The air is tight and it stinks of fish." He complained quietly. You rolled your eyes and roughly, but not too roughly, pushed his head back down into the bag, shutting the zip before he could protest, leaving him an airhole.

Two seconds later, he literally leaked out of the little airhole you'd left him, totally unexpected to you. Once he was all out he took his short cartoony form again, climbing up onto your lap as he did. You squeaked in surprize.

"Is everything okay back there?" The driver asked with concern, staring in the back view mirror. Luckily it was at an angle that was unable to see Bendy.

"Yes, I'm...I'm fine!" You managed, attempting to sound as normal as possible. The driver sensed something was off, but decided not to pry into you about it. You were probably just tired or something. It was only your second day on the job, and he theorised that you weren't used to the early mornings.

You turned your attention back to Bendy, who was now sitting on your lap, swinging his legs childishly over the side as if to annoy you. He was staring back up at you, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Get off me!" You whispered forcefully. The demon grinned, altering his position so his back was facing you and leaning back into your stomach with one leg crossed over the other. The back of his head was stuffed into your boobs again, and now you were positive he was doing it on puprose, and he knew exactly what he was doing.

"No can do. You're comfy." He said. It was a strange...but you took it sort of like a complement.

"Bendy, you little creep." You joked quitely. He didn't say anything after that. Only smiled and looked out the window, taking in the outside world that he'd never ventured in before.

Then something came to mind.

"Hey Bendy, were you the one who brought that black plastic bag into my house?" You asked. He paused, trying to recall, then nodded.


"What was in there?" You interrogated.

"Ink. Lots of it. All in little glass jars." He started. You have him a questionable stare, so he took that as his cue to explain himself. "I need ink to survive. I live off it sort of like how you live off food and water. Only difference is I'm made out of it, so if I don't top myself up every once in a while it's game over for me. I'll literally melt into a pool of ink."

"Yikes" you muttered, realising the importance of his ink.

Bendy was quiet for a moment, seemingly thinking to himself. Then he looked back over to you with a suggestive sort of face, which really didn't make you feel comfortable. What was that little devil planning?

"In fact" he began, "I think I need a top-up right now."

You raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he was hinting at. Or, in other words, what he wanted you to do. Your mind pondered no more when you watched him reach into your rucksack, pulling out a bottle of ink in a glass container that, in a way, resembled a baby bottle.

"Want to do the honours?" He asked with a grin, twisting around to sit facing you on your lap. You physically leaned backwards, lightly blushing. Your mind was, for some reason, way down in the gutters, and you thought he was asking you to stick the bottle up inside him or something. Honestly, you had no idea why that was the first thing you thought was logical.

You instantly relaxed when he opened his mouth to you, and didn't bend over, but you actually felt gross and pervy. Why on earth did you think 'topping up' on ink was going to be anal or something?

Still, this situation was pretty darn weird. You had a feeling that Bendy's mission was to make you as uncomfortable as possible, and that look in his cartoony eyes confirmed it.

"Ahhh" he mouthed, similar to the noise you'd make at the dentist, pointing inside his mouth with one gloved hand and placing the bottle in your hand with the other. He was grinning, even with his mouth open, just waiting for you to make your move...the sly devil was really putting you on the spot here.

You heaved out, feeling weird but oddly flustered, as you took the bottle and brought it up to Bendy's mouth. You felt like a mother feeding her baby, but you were also getting some kinky vibes that Bendy was enjoying.

Once it was in his mouth, he closed his lips around it and began sucking from it, drawing the thick inky substance into his body. He looked up at you with suggestive, almost seducive eyes, like his actions were hinting at something. He snickered and hummed into the tip of the bottle, and you could actually feel it vibrate gently.

"This is one of the strangest things I've ever done" you admitted quietly aloud. "I don't even know what to make of this."


A/N: I don't know what to make of this either, Reader-chan. I don't know what to make of this damn weird chapter!

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