My writing from 4th grade

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Today my mom came downstairs and read something to me. She didn't tell me what it was or who wrote it, but immediately I could tell I had wrote it. I still remember writing this, even if it was back in 4th grade when I was ten. Here it is, hope you enjoy!

"Clutching her mane, I heard a bird call echo through the wood. Hearing twigs snap reminded me what power these creatures had. Listening to the hoofs hit the ground with constant thuds, I sat high on her saddle, happy to be on her back. She gave a joyful neigh as her tail swished back and forth like trees in a breeze. I lead her into a field where we could both feel the warm spring sun. Hugging her neck I sighed, happy to be back of my horse."

Apparently my teacher at the time had emailed this to my mom. She's kept it all time, and it nearly brought tears to me eyes reading it. From then to now, its cool to see how my writing style and interests have changed and stayed the same. Anyways, hope everyone has a good Fourth of July tomorrow if your American, and if not just have a good day!

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