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Freya's pov

I woke up in Ethan's bed, for a second I got nervous of my surroundings, but remembered what happen last night. It was a bad decision but I didn't stop what happen. I turned around to be faced with a sleeping Ethan, I got out of his bed and went back to my room to take a shower.

After I had a shower I just put on some grey jogging pants, a black v-neck shirt, and brushed my wet hair and headed to the kitchen. When I was about to walk into the kitchen I ran into Ethan, we stood there just looking at each other until he spoke up "how was your shower" he asked in a deep husky voice "nice and refreshing" I said giving a little smile.

I got myself a coffee and headed to the kitchen table to look at my phone, when I was about to sit down Ethan came up to me "I'm sorry for what happen last night.. like it was amazing but-" I cut him off before he said anything else "Yes..we should have never done that" I said wishing I hadn't "Just don't tell Maranda, me and her are working out something's" he said awkwardly "Ya no problem..I won't say anything but can we just get out this awkward vide between us, we sleep together and it was awesome but it was wrong...your my best friend E and I don't want that to change" I said in a serious tone "Yes I would like to do that" he said with a little smile.

*later in the day*

Me and Ethan were sitting down watching a movie when he got a text message, we weren't really far apart from each other so I could see what it said.

Me and Ethan were sitting down watching a movie when he got a text message, we weren't really far apart from each other so I could see what it said

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It mad me mad when Maranda said those things, but me and Ethan can not have anything serious

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It mad me mad when Maranda said those things, but me and Ethan can not have anything serious. "Hey I will be right back just gotta go do something" he said turning off his phone and walking to his room. I waited for him to be in his room for a minute until I tiptoed over to his door and put my ear up to it. I could hear that someone called his phone and the ringing stopped when he answered, "Hi daddy" I heard Maranda say "Babygirl let me see what's on the other side of the camera" Ethan said in a sexy voice "ohh daddy I miss you" Maranda said practically moaning "Awe baby keep doing that to yourself" Ethan said. Then I heard slapping. I stepped away from the door and quietly tiptoed back to my spot on my coach.

Ethan then came out after another 5 minutes, and he was sweating a little and changed his clothes. He looked so good, he had on grey jogging pants and no shirt with his hair messed up a bit. He joined me back on the coach "What did I miss" he asked sitting down and putting his feet up on the coffee table "Nothing really.." I said not caring if he missed anything "Why you grouchy, you were fine 10 minutes ago" he said in a annoyed voice "I'm not grouchy, all I said was nothing really but okay" I said in a sarcastic tone. I got up to go to my bedroom so I could go to sleep cause I have work in the morning "Where you going?" Ethan asked in a confused voice "To bed, unlike you I have to work" I said in a sarcastic voice. I wish I didn't say it like that but it just came out I felt bad after saying it that way, I was just angry. When I was about to turn my light off I got a text message from Cole.

 When I was about to turn my light off I got a text message from Cole

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I shut off my phone and went to bed

Hello people I'm so sorry for not updating for awhile I have had some things going on and I ran out of ideas. I'm gonna write a whole bunch of chapters rn so I can just update when ever...hope you like this shitty chapter and if you have ideas comments them and I might use them😁


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