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Smut chapter

Freya's pov

He ripped off my clothes and left wet kisses down my neck.

"Okay babygirl get on your hands and knees and let daddy pleasure you"

I got on my hands and knees and Ethan pushed my face down onto the bed. He spread open my legs and started to tease me with his tip.

"If you cum without me telling you, you will get punished"

After he said that he started to slide in me slow. A moan escaped my mouth and that drove him crazy. He started going faster and faster my legs were starting to shake. He slapped my ass then pulled my hair.

"Omg Ethan" I moaned

He flipped me over so that I was on my back. He gripped my neck and went faster and harder.

" that's not my name babygirl"

"Ughh d-daddy"

"Good girl" he said pounding faster into me

"Daddy I'm gonna cum" I said gripping his arm and the sheets

" not until I tell you or you will get punished"

Then a big moan escaped my mouth and I came. Ethan then got off the bed and left to his room. I got confused until he came back, he had ties in his hand.

"Okay well you were a bad girl and didn't listen to me now your gonna get punished now lay down" Ethan said grabbing my one arm and tying it

He tied the rest of my arm and legs and got on top of me.

"Now I'm gonna make you cum multiple times and you not gonna stop me okay?"

"Okay daddy"

Ethan then started to leave hickeys all down my stomach, he kissed between my thighs and I craved him a lot. He licked one stroke up my slit and I moaned.

"Do you like that babygirl"

"Mmmm yes daddy"


Then Ethan started to eat me out. He flicked his tongue up and down faster. Then the door bell rang.

"Ethan I need to get that" I say practically moaning

"Not until you cum for me baby"

He started going faster and he put a finger in. I could feel the knot in my stomach become tighter.

"I'm gonna cum"

And then I released. A big moan escaped my mouth, Ethan got from his knees and untied me I got my clothes on and started walking to the door but Ethan stopped me.

"This isn't over yet"

After that I walked to the door and opened it but no one was there. There was a note on the door.

"Who was it" Ethan said walking in the living room

"My dad just passed away"

Ethan's pov

Freya has been hiding in her room for a week now and I'm starting to worry. I haven't seen her like this since she was little and her dad died.

I was sitting in the couch when I got a text message from Grayson asking what's up with freya.

I told him what happen and that she hasn't came out of her room for a week now.

Everyone is worried about her and I can't seem to get her to come out of her room.

"Freya can you open the door baby"

No answer.

"Come on Freya I'm worried about you"

No answer.

"Freya baby I know it hurts a lot but there are people that love you and we will get you through this I love you, you're family loves you. Come on baby you are a strong woman you can do this"

And with that she opened her door. She went back to her bed and laid down again

"How are you feeling" I ask as I rub her back

"It hurts Ethan I can't seem to handle him not being here" she says starting to cry

"Shh baby it's okay I'm here for you" I say giving her a big hug

"How about this I will run to the store and grab some ice cream and chocolate and we will watch movies all day, okay baby girl" I say

"Okay, I'm gonna go take a shower" she says starting to get up

"Thank you Ethan it means a lot, I love you" she says turning back around

"I love you to baby girl"

I walk into the store and head right to the frozen food aisle to grab some ice cream.

As I was walking I accidentally bumped into Cole.

"I'm sorry dude" I say moving out of his way

" it's okay" he says but before I could walk any farther he stops me

"Hey how is Freya doing" he asks looking at me

"She is not doing so well but I would ask her yourself it's not my business to say anything" I say turning to face him

"Ohh Okay, just wanted to see if she would like to go out again" he says

I started to clench my fists, Freya is mine not his. She belongs to me not him.

"Well I don't think she wants to go out with you" I say angry

"Umm Okay" and that was the end of our conversation

I grabbed some strawberry ice cream cause that's her favourite and headed to the candy aisle to grab some chocolate.

I walked into the house and I could still here the shower running so Freya must still be in there I walked into the living room and set everything we needed up.

I put Netflix on and waited for her. She was taking awhile so I decided to go check up on her.

"Freya is everything alright" I say opening the door

I walk in and she was on the floor with blood coming from her wrists.

I was in shock and grabbed her and checked her pulse, There was a faint pulse so I called the police

"911 what's your emergency"

"I need an ambulance to 1035 Walnut street please my girlfriend tried to commit suicide a-and there is so much blood" I say in panic

"Okay we will send one right away sir just calm down" the lady said

And with that I hung up.

Hello I'm back. Hope you enjoy this chapter I'm so sry for not updating but I will be updating every week now. I thought this book needed a little more drama so I put some in. Hope you have an amazing day/night.


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