Chapter Three

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Stiles smiled down at Teresa and reached a hand out to help her up. Teresa took his hand and let him pull her up to her feet and she wrapped her arms around him. Stiles embraced her and hugged her back tightly.

"Man I missed you!" Teresa exclaimed.

Stiles pulled away from her and checked her over. "I missed you too but we have to get out of here."

Teresa nodded and turned to look at his friends, looking them over suspiciously.  "Who are they?"

Stiles glanced at Scott and shook his head. "I'll explain on the way. Where's Frypan and the others?"

Teresa looked at Stiles sadly. "WICKD has them, Tom. All of them."

Stiles cursed, picked up the gun from the ground and stalked over to Jansen, who was just starting to wake up. Stiles grabbed the man by his collar and pointed the gun at his head.

"Where are they Jansen?" Stiles demanded. "Where the fuck are they?!"

Jansen smirked and stared Stiles in the eyes. "Nowhere that you'll find them."

Stiles growled under his breath and pulled the hammer back on the gun. Stiles would kill this guy if he had to but he knew that if he did, then he'd never find them. But Stiles was losing patience. If he couldn't get the answer out of him civially then he'd torture him.

"Where...are they? I won't ask again." Stiles told him. Jansen laughed sadistically causing Stiles to narrow his eyes at him. "What the hell is so funny?"

Jansen continued laughing. "You are. You threaten me and yet you're not going to harm me."

Stiles glared at him in hatred, stepped back, raised the gun and fired at Jansen's kneecap. Jansen screamed in pain and Stiles held the gun up to his face.

"You wanna repeat that?"

Scott grabbed Stiles' arm and pulled him back. "Stiles what are you doing?"

"Getting answers!" Stiles yelled, yanking his arm back. He turned away from Scott to glare at Jansen. "You went after my friends again and I want to know where they are. SO TELL ME!"

"Why tell you when I can show you?" Jansen smirked and Stiles growled angrily, wanting nothing more than to kill him right here, right now but that wasn't who he was. He didn't take a life unless he absolutely had to.

Newt steps forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and he calms down almost instantly from the touch. The light, sandy-blond haired boy takes the gun from Stiles' shaking hands and aims it at Jansen's head. He was going to protect Thomas from even himself so if he had to, he'd end the man's life and sleep like a baby. The man deserved it anyway.

"Where did WICKD take them Jansen?" Newt demands. "Tell us or I will pull this trigger and sleep like a baby tonight, knowing that you can't hurt Tommy anymore. And if you don't believe me, I'll shoot you in the neck and let you bleed out slowly."

Stiles-no, Thomas, looks up at Newt and his eyes widen at his friend's words. He can't bring himself to move and take the gun back even though it's what he wants to do but his body won't respond to the signals being sent. Newt's eyes are hard and cold and he's standing with his body shielding him from what he's going to do.

"Stiles, tell your friend to drop the gun before he does something he'll regret." Derek says but Stiles ignores him, his eyes trained on the look in Jansen's eyes. The look of fear. He knows Newt will shoot him for real and he doesn't look like he'll keep quiet. He's right. Jansen gives them the location and Stiles sighs in relief and Newt pistolwhips him, knocking him out. Minho moves to tie him up and Stiles looks at Newt, his eyes filled with an emotion that was raw.

"Newt--" Stiles starts but he's cut off when the boy in question shakes his head.

"Tommy...don't. I would have done whatever I had to do to keep ratface from hurting you again." Newt places his hand on his shoulder and stares him in the eyes for a few moments and says, not looking away, "Minho, get one of those slintheads to call the police."

"Wait what?! Are you serious? You know ratman will find his way out of a jail cell and come for us!"

Newt slowly turns to look at him. "I know that. And when he does, that gives me the rime and right to kill him."

Stiles took a deep breath before turning to face his best friend and the pack. They're in shock, probably from seeing what he'd done only a few minutes ago. "We're going to go bring our friends back whether you come with us or not."

"We're coming." Scott stated firmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2018 ⏰

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