Chapter 4

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"I guess you have a thing for my my beautiful cousin Jennifer. She is a heart breaker. But I must warn you that she has a crazy ex. They broke up a year and a half ago but he thinks he can get her back. But she wants nothing to do with him."  Jon said "why what happened between them?" "You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you ok not even her." Jon nod his head and them "promise". "OK so one night at one of my home boys house he had a party and Jen showed up with her boyfriend name Jason.

I don't know what she ever saw in him but anyways that night Jason was drinking and he did a lot of drinking to where he couldn't stand up. But during the time they were there he wouldn't let her go around her friends, he made sure that she wouldn't go anywhere. But once she left to go to the bathroom, he found another girl and started making out with a girl. Well when Jen came back from the bathroom she found him with his hands up her skirt. So what did Jen did well Jen walked over too him and slaped him in the face then said they were over.

After Jen slaped him she tried to get away but he ran after her and slaped her across the face, then things got worse. He pushed her up against the wall and started hitting her like he was fighting a dude. Every one tried to break him away from her but he wouldn't move. But that night he beat her so bad that she had to go to the hospital. Jen had a few broken ribs, she was bruised really bad, he even pushed her shoulder out of the socket.

When she got home from the hospital she cried that it was her fault but it wasn't. She cried to me that all she wanted was love and to be loved. But she hasn't been able to trust any one since then. She's afraid to get in a relationship with any one since then. But I see how she looks at you and she really does like you more then a friend, I mean if y'all are friends that is."


Damn that story makes me mad. How can any one hurt a beautiful  person like that. It passes me off that some one went and did that to another person cause couldn't control them selves while drinking. I hope she'll be able to trust me like she did Jason before he turned into a gaint ass. So I have to ask "where is this Jason guy now. If I do get into a relationship with Jen would he try to break it up?". Brian said "he's in jail for a really long time because of his actions. He feels sorry for doing that, he told the judge that she was his everything and if he could take it back he would. But to late now, all she can do is move forward".

If he loved and cared for her then he wouldn't of done it but I guess things happen when we don't control our selves. I think I'm going to text her and see what's up with him.

Jon: hey, how are you doing?

Jennifer: hey your self. I'm good what about you?

Jon: I want you to know that I like you even though we just meet a few nights ago. I'd like to be more then friends but I would love to get to know you better

Jennifer: well surprise me color but I like you too more then friends too, and I would love to get to know you better as well. I'm glad you're my neighbor.

Jon: wow, I didn't think you would like me like that but I am grateful.  So I have a question for you. I know we just meet and all but would you like to be my girlfriend?


"OMG I can't believe this but Jon just asked me to be his girlfriend and he likes me more then a friend" so Mya asks "do you like him more then a friends", Jen said "yes, and he wants to get to know me better and I want to know him more better. But what if he does what Jason did to me?", Mel says "I don't think it will happen because  he looks at you like you are the only beautiful person in the world, I have a feeling that he will cherish you like diamond and make sure nothing will hurt you".

They both make good points maybe I should give him a chance, maybe this is my chance to happiness and he could be the one to give me what I desire. I know it's to soon but what the hell.

Jennifer: yes, I would love to be your girlfriend.

Jon: great, I have the biggest smile on my face right now. But we will go as slow as you want. I'll let you make the decision. But I feel like the world's happiest man on earth.

Jennifer: same here but I'm the luckiest girl. 😗😗😗

Jon: I think we should go out tonight with our friends for pizza. What do you think? I already talked to Jay and Shane and they are down with it.

Jennifer: yea, ok I just asked the girls and they are down with it so what time should we go out? Are you going to hang out at my house when we leave from here?

Jon: 7 will be fine and yea, I want to know you better. 😎😘😀

Jennifer:  okay were about ready to leave what about you two

Jon: yea, we are done, meet you at the front

Jennifer: ok, see you.

We meet at the entrance of the mall. As we were walking out to move car.

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