Chapter 32

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I went to Morgan and Cayden's house and told them what happened and they both were shocked. Cayden says "Jen that doesn't sound like Jon. That man worships the ground you walk on. He has been all about you since you to have been together. Why now would he do anything stupid to lose the best thing he has in his whole world".

Look I understand you standing up for your friend but this seems like a fucking nitemare. I told him that were going to be separated until he can figure out what he wants more me or that girl Meagan. I love him and I want to be with him but I feel that he doesn't.

Morgan said "didn't you too just get done fucking all over the house. Does that seem like a man that doesn't love his wife". Look I'm tired I'm not sure what anything means any more. I'm going to bed see y'all in the morning.

Goodnight they both said. Cayden says "babe I'm gonna see if Jon's alright and see if I can help him figure this crap out. I love you and the twins. I might stay the night there ok".

Morgan says "ok, babe I love you too. Make sure he knows were here to help him figure this out.


I can't believe she wants to separated. Man I'm so hurt and angry that I punch a whole in our bed room door. I hear the door to my house fly open and hear heavy man feet. Before I knew it Cayden was holding me back telling me to calm down.

Fuck was all I kept yelling. Then I broke down and started to cry, cry and cry. Cayden said "man, what happened. I heard Jennifer's side now I want to hear your side after all the sex you too had". Man I got a fucking text from Meagan and I don't know how she got my number.

This bitch sends me a picture of her being naked and says some shit like thought you wanted a picture of her since I saw it the night before. I fucking love Jennifer. She means the world to me. Cayden why does it feel like every one is trying to ruin my marriage?

Cayden says "dude I don't know but Morgan wants me to tell you that we have your back through this hole thing". Thanks. But I need to find out what in the fuck is going on. Cayden says "lets sleep on it tonight and then go to your job tomorrow".

Man I can't sleep with out her. I don't want to be separated from her. I want her in my arms. I get that she's more emotional because she's pregnant but still. I'm tired of people trying to come in between what we have but she lets them do it. Man she is 4 months pregnant and gets to find put what were having.

She said if we aren't together then she'll have you telling me what were having. I want to know with her and be there to hold her hand and tell her that I love her and then we can figure out what to name our baby. Cayden said "nope, I'm gonna make sure your there with her. Lets go to sleep in different rooms.I told Morgan I would be spending the night".

Ok, lets get to sleep cause I want my wife back.


Morgan I've noticed that people keep coming in between Jon and I. "Hun people are coming between y'all cause you keep letting them. Jon loves you so much. I was talking to Cayden last night before I went to bed. He told me that when he got to your house Jon was up stairs punching the wall and broke down in tears. He asked why do people keep trying to get in between y'all". Morgan said.

I didn't want to separate from him but I need to know where his head is. I love him so much. I even cried myself to sleep last night. I want him with me when I found out what were having. Morgan said "then lets go figure thus out, cause you 4 months and have a bump. Don't make him miss out cause of a stupid slutty whore. So lets go figure this out".

Ok lets go. An hour later we pull up to Jon's work but him and Cayden are already here. We get out and we hear Jon yelling at people. Cayden sees us and comes over and tells us that Jon is trying to get to the bottom of this. We walk over to where everything is going down.

Jon boss says "I thought y'all were separated but here you are". We are seperated I want to know what in the fuck is going on here. Seeing pain on Jon's face hurts me even more. My heart breaks all over again. I start to cry again.


Damn I'm in so much pain it ain't even funny. I see Meagan and so does Jennifer. Hey Meagan come here and she starts walking towards me smiling. Meagan says "hey, boss man gave you the day off and how are you". I see Tony walking up to us and trying to find out what's going on.

Cut the shit Meagan and fucking tell me how you got my number. Meagan says "silly you gave it to me don't you remember". Jennifer looks like she is about to give up on me and leave and I can't have that. Bull shit Meagan you don't understand that my marriage is on the line here.

I noticed Tony looking back and fourth between Jen and me. Fuck my heArt can't take this anymore I'm about to lose my whole fucking world and I can't take it. So, I break down again and start to cry. Tony steps up to Meagan and starts yelling at her.

Tony says "stop this shit Meagan your about to ruin a marriage that you have no business doing". Meagan says "I'm in love with Jon and he can do so much better then her". You know what Meagan fuck you. I love my wife and I've been in love with her since high school. My wife and unborn child means the fucking world to me and your about to fuck it up.

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