Chapter Three

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Chapter three:

Back at James house:

Abby wakes up to the sound of James putting pots and pans into the sink to be washed later.

He looks over at her and smiles when he notices that she is awake. "Morning, i made breakfast. I made pancakes, waffles with blue berries and some with strawberries, also I made bacon and sausage and some eggs, I made some meat and cheese omelets. Oh and some French toast as well.

She laughed, "All that? I think you may have gone a little crazy with the cooking. How long have you been up?"

He walked over to her and put his hand out for her, she let him help her up and he walked her to the kitchen. She sat down at the bar and he brought their food to her. She smiles at him as she eats her favorite food, blueberry pancakes with strawberry toppings, and bacon. He just had the omelet.

He puts all the left overs away and it took up two shelves of the fridge.

He asks her, "So what do you wanna do today?"

She thought about it, "I wanna hang out with Becca? I don't know what is about that girl but she keeps crossing my mind. And she's the first person other then you to hear about my past."

James smiles at her. He tells her, "Ha-ha, alright I'll call Dylan and see if he can give me his cousin Nate's number. I'm pretty sure that Becca lives with Nate and his family. So I'll see if i can set up a play date for the two of you."

She glares at him from hearing the term 'play-date' "I'm not a child don't call it a play date."

Her reaction made his face turn red from trying not to laugh at her. So she just laid, back down on the couch and covered her head under her pillow. Till she heard a click sound and saw he pulled out his cell phone. He dialed what looks like some random number and then he started talking into it.

"Hey Dylan, can i get Nate's number please. Because, Abby wants to hang out with Becca."

Abby smiled at him, "thank you James."

Back at Nate's house:

Nate gets a call from an unknown number and is reluctant to answer, "Hello, who is this?"

The reply he got was a surprise "This is James. I got this number from your cousin Dylan. Do you know who I am?"

Nate tells him, "Yea i think, you're the guy who took Abby home from the cliff, Right?"

James replies merrily, "yeah, I've called because i want to know if i can arrange for Becca and Abby to hang out."

Nate, tells him, sure we can meet you at the park in an hour.

They both hang up and Nate goes to Becca, "Hey you wanna go to the park? I have a surprise for you."

She smiles, "what's the surprise? What's this all about?"

Nate just smirks, "I'm not going to tell you! It's a secret. You're going to like it though."

She sighs, "Fine I'll get ready, and can we take the dog with us to the park?"

He shrugs, "I guess so, I don't see why not. I don't think they would mind"

Nate took a minute and then realized he gave part of the surprise away. He looks at her smiling face. Even though he's sure she still won't be able to figure out what the surprise is.

She walks to her room to get ready to go to the park, she puts on a pair of holy jeans and a Georgia bulldog shirt, and she puts on her blue running shoes. After getting dressed she gets the leash and the dog's collar.

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