Chapter Two

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Chapter two:

Shortly after James took Abby home:

Nate tells Becca, "Let's go home. I'm sure Abby is fine. James is looking after her."

Becca is a rather shy young girl. Abby and Nate are her only real friends. Though she doesn't trust Abby the way she trusts Nate. Nate and Becca quietly sneak through the front door and walk into the living room, where Nate's parents were waiting for them.

His mother gestures for them to sit down on the couch, they sit quietly. It's silent for a few minutes while they wait for Nate's parents to say something.

His father starts, "Becca I know Martha and I are not your parents, but we have opened our home and our hearts up to you. We care about you and we don't like you staying out so late. Nate was worried about you. You know it's the last week of summer, so you have to start thinking."

His mother adds, "Becca, about that Abby girl? I don't trust her, you don't even know anything about her, it's as though she has no past to speak of. I don't see her having a future. All i know about her is she has no family to speak of but someone is helping her to stay in school. I think she's bad news."

Becca glares at them and sternly says, "You have no right to say that about Abby. You don't know anything about her. You can't even imagine what her parents put her through. Not only physical abuse but mental and she was abandoned by the age of nine. So leave Abby out of this!!!"

She storms back out the front door and sits under the giant Georgia pine in the front yard, Nate smiles as he watches his best friend and sees his now speechless parents. Becca is a very shy girl so she's quiet and normally will take whatever comes at her. Nate has known Becca most his life he has never seen Becca stand up for anyone let alone herself.

Nate walks outside to see if Becca's okay. He sits next to her and puts his arm around her pulling her into a hug.

Nate tells her, "Hey it's going to be fine, my parents love you, they mean well, they were just concerned that's all. They dint mean to offend you."

She tells him, "I know. Thanks Nate, I'm sorry i got so angry i have never yelled at anyone before in my life."

He leads her back inside and past his still speechless parents to her room; he gives her a hug and tells her goodnight.

She tells him, "night Nate, I'll see you in the morning-bright and early, you know where to find me if I'm not home though."

Early that morning Becca sits alone under an old Georgia pine, in the local park. Watching as the cars pass by thinking, 'why am i always alone?' she smiles to herself when she sees a little girl running around playing with her puppy run into her daddy's protective arms. By the look of his uniform he's in the air force and he looks like he just got home from deployment, so he's spending the day at the park with his little girl.

Becca hears her friends voice from above her so she looks up and smiles, she sees him a few branches up in the tree smiling down at her.

She calls up to him, "get down here, you monkey. Nate one of these days you're going to fall and break your neck. Are you reckless because you want to make me worry?!"

Nate groaned in protest, and then he smirked at her as he carefully begins to climb down. On the last branch he smiled at her then he deliberately slips and. Caught himself last minute.

When she sees he's okay she glares at him. She walks over to him and slaps him on his arm.

She yells at him, "Nate! You are such a jerk!! I thought I was going to lose you. Then I would be all alone, I can't go through that again."

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