Coming Up With A Plan

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Nancy went upstairs to her room and put the supercom down on her bed. Then she quietly snuck over to Mike's room and saw him lying in bed, asleep. She smiled to herself and walked back to her room. She picked the supercom up and sat down on her bed. The teen had no idea how the radios worked because she only used it once, but she did her best. She switched to a different channel and spoke into it.

"Hey, Lucas? Are you there? I need to talk you you! Over," Nancy said. "It's me, Nancy. I have to talk to you. It's about Mike, over."

After a few minutes, Nancy heard some static and then Lucas' voice. "Nancy? What are you doing with Mike's supercom? Why do you of all people want to talk to me? No offense. This just doesn't happen very often. Over," he said, sounding confused.

"I know it's weird that it's me talking, but this is important to Mike. I have an idea to make him happy again and get out of his depression. Over," Nancy replied.

There was a few seconds of silence before Lucas responded. "You're talking about getting Eleven back, aren't you? She's dead though! I'm not trying to be mean, but I saw her die with my own eyes. And she's the only way how Mike can be happy because he's in love with her. Over," he said.

Nancy sighed before speaking again. "Will turned out to be alive even though the entire town thought that he was dead! The same thing can happen to Eleven," she said "Alright, the Snowball is coming up in a few days. Mike asked her to it before she disappeared. We have to find her before then and surprise him. Over."

"Oh yeah. I remember when we were hiding in the classroom, he was comforting her because she was weak. He mentioned her living with him and that they would go to the Snowball. Over," Lucas said, distantly.

Nancy smiled as she thought about Mike with Eleven. She could always tell that he liked her in the short time she knew the girl. She always caught them holding hands and Mike staring at her dreamily. And before she and Jonathan left to trap the monster, she caught El resting her head on Mike's shoulder. She almost wished that she had a camera to take a picture of it.

"Well, he's going to take her because me, you, Dustin, and Will are going to find her and surprise Mike on the night of the Snowball. I have a plan. Over," Nancy said.

"Tell me. Over."

Nancy then explained the whole plan she came up with to Lucas. Then she told him to pass it on to the two other boys so they could be a part of the plan too. She knew that it was wrong to keep Mike in the dark for this, but she wanted it to be a surprise. It would take a lot of time to convince him to actually go to the dance, but he would be happy there. Once El arrrived there, it would be the best day of his life.

Nancy knew that it would work.



Mike woke up with a start. He was sweating from head to toe and tears were streaming down his face. He looked over at his clock, which said that it was nearly two in the morning. The boy wiped his tears and sweat as he laid back down in bed, but not falling asleep.

Mike was always having nightmares after everything that happened. Mostly about El, because what happened with her was the most traumatizing. After every nightmare, he would always wake up screaming get like he did just now. Then Nancy would come in, hearing the shouts, to comfort him back to sleep. But she didn't tonight. That left Mike confused, because he always woke her up. He guessed that she was in a deep sleep and didn't wake up. But he still needed comfort because that nightmare was the worst he ever experienced. So he got out of bed and quietly walked over to his sister's room.

Once he opened the door, Mike was looking at a confusing sight. There was no one in the room. The window, though, was wide open, showing that someone had climbed through it. Mike guessed that Nancy wanted to see Steve or Jonathan or some other boyfriend he didn't know about. It was typical for her to see them often, but not late at night. He knew that she could handle herself since she knew how to use a gun so he just left.

Mike went back to his room and laid back down on his bed. He still couldn't sleep because he didn't get any comfort. He could only wonder what Nancy was doing with Steve and Jonathan that could be so important.

Little did Mike know was that Nancy wasn't doing what he thought she was.


Nancy had sneakily crawled out of her window with the door closed. She climbed down the roof and then crept away from the house. Then she went into her car and drove off, heading to the destination she said that she'd meet Mike's friends at.

Once she arrived at the destination, Nancy parked her car and got out, standing face to face with Lucas, Dustin, and Will. She handed them a few guns she stole from the Byers' one time and then folded her arms.

"You ready to get down to business?"


A/N: Hi guys! I hope that you are reading and enjoying this story! Things are going to get good later on! Please vote and comment on this story and I'll see you soon! P.S. Check out my Instagram called Finn Mileven Love. I do Stranger Things stuff on there and if I get to at least 200 followers, I'll be posting a special video!

Alright, now I'm leaving. See ya!

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