With Caraon around...💔

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5 days later:
MattyB's POV:
So today I am going to Madrid, Spain, with Carson, Johnny, and of course Kenzie! I have had a crush on Kenize for 2 years now, but I can't win her over with Johnny around. Hayden and I have been texting and he wanted me to keep Johnny a little distracted in his honeymoon and let Carson go shopping and to the movies with Kenz so that Johnny gets jealous and we have something BIG planned for the last day of their honeymoon

Anyways gotta go because I have an uber waiting for me outside to take me to the airport

Skip to when they got to Spain:

Carson's POV:
I don't like Kenzie, but I do like seeing Johnny suffer so I will do anything I can to acomplish seeing him down. I hate him alot because he is the reason Lauren and I broke up! We were going to get married until Johnny told Lauren that he saw me kissing Jordyn Jones which was not true!
Kenzie still doesn't know Mattyb and I are here in Spain because its a surprise and right now I am in my hotel room waiting for Johnny and Kenzie to finish unpacking their stuff which I gotta be honest! They probably finished already and are making out or something

Johnny's pov:
Kenzie and I finished unpacking like an hour ago and we are currently watching a movie and cuddling
I love her so much, but I hate her friend MattyB and especially Carson! Carson is the worst
K: Babe, where do you wanna go?
J: Lets go to a restaurant and eat!
K: Where?
J: I heard "Paseo de la Castellana" is pretty good!
K: Ok lets go there
When we walked towards our hotel door to get out we saw Carson and Mattyb there
K: OMG! What are you doing here MATT?
MB: I wanted to spend time with my best friend!
CL: Yeah! Its me Kenz
then she jumped on his back and he started spinning her around and I was pewtty jealous but Carson does not like Kenz! Its impossible and Kenzie doesn't know that Caraon broke Lauren's heart because she was recording a song when he cheated on Lauren and Laur didn't want Kenz to worry
CL: So where are you guys going right now?
K: We are going to "Paseo de la Castellana"
CL: Can we xome please?
J: This was more of a date thana hangout, Carson
CL: Then, Matt and I will be delighted to join you on a date
I glared at Carson when he said that and I have a bad feeling about this trip because its not even a honeymoon with them around! And with Carson around I am not sure of what things he can do to my relationship with Kenz💔

Hmm! I don't like this Carson guy with Kenzie! This could create problems with Kenzie and Johnny💔

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