66 - bella

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matt pulled up to my place in his black convertible. i smiled and climbed inside. i was in a flowy black dress that went above my knees and black pumps. my hair was up in a bun.

"you look amazing." matt complimented.

"so do you. what's the occasion?" i asked, he was in a tux and everything.

"just doing the best for you," he smiled and sped up. he pulled up to this fancy restaurant. he ran over and opened my door. i have never seen this side of matt. yes he is always polite and kind. but he is being very polite. i smile and take his hand as we walk into the restaurant.

"table for two," matt told the waitress.

"right over here," she smiled and led us to an outside table. i didn't mind because it was a nice day and good weather.

"what can i get you guys to drink?" she asked.

"a bottle a champagne." matt smiled and the woman nodded and walked back inside.

"this place is so beautiful." i smiled.

"yes it is, but so are you." he winked. the woman walked back with the champagne and glasses. she poured the champagne into the glasses. i watched matt intently. he looked so nervous when the woman was pouring the drink.

"are you okay?" i asked, squeezing his hand.

"i'm great." he nodded and lifted his glass.

"to the love of my life. bella. you are the love of my life." he started. he sat his drink down and stood up. he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box.

"is this happening," i whispered.

"bella. you are the most amazing woman i have ever met. i have never been with someone that i loved so much. i don't want to ever lose you. as a friend or as a love. you are the greatest thing that has ever waltzed into my life. i want to hold onto you and never let go. and this is the only way i know how to. bella rose barron. will you marry me?" by now i was tearing up.

"yes of course i will." i laughed and took his hands into my face and gently kissed him. i heard clapping and crying. i looked around and there was all of our friends. all of them taking videos and pictures.

"what are you guys doing here?" i asked.

"we wouldn't miss this for the world." aspen smiled and came over and hugged me. everyone congratulated us. the night was full of laughter and love.

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