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Author Notes: I decides to write this story with the idea I have in mind while waiting to write the Solitude Traveler story. The idea of casting Yuuta's Older sister came from SSLOVER 124's story: Unrequited Love.

Main Characters

Yosuke Kishi: Iwaski, Yuuta- A wealthy rich man who is the  CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the Sasori's company. He always busy with his company and rarely interact with anyone except for his older sister and younger brother.

Sakurako Okubo: Runa/Yori

Oshita,Runa --> A normal girl who lived with her younger sister in their own house. She has two jobs;  a waitress at a restaurant and a tutor for Haru. After her first work shift was over, she would always come by the mansion to tutor Haru when Yuuta is hardly at home. She doesn't believe in love and didn't seem to fall for Yuuta right away until later, during the time she accept and had sign a contract to pretend to be Yuuta's girlfriend. She is a sweet, caring, brave and strong willed person, yet she does not follow the crowd nor does she regard herself as better than other peoples.

Nakama, Yori -->  Runa's long lost twin who was separated since birth. She's a sweet and very kind person, who would help people in need.  She work as a nurse at the hospital with her brother, Koji. She lived in a urban home with her brother and sister-in-law, Mizuki.

Mao Ichimichi: Iwaski, Yuko- Yuuta and Haru's Older Sister, who's overprotective about her brothers. She owned a fashion and jewelry stores. She often traveled on business and hardly home with her brothers, but would always call and check on them.

Shota Taguchi: Iwaski, Haru- Yuuta and Yuko's younger brother.  He is very close to his brother, who is sometime by his side. He is more naive and good-natured, and will do whatever his brother tells him to. He also seems to trust Runa and become friend with her and often hang around her.

Masaki Nakao: Nakama, Koji : He's Yori's Older brother and a doctor at the hospital. He's a self·less caring person. He's kind of overprotective of Yori. He's happily married to Mizuki, who he always talk to about his problems. It is later reveal that he's also Runa's older brother and had been searching for her whereabouts.

Tateishi Haruka : Nakama, Mizuki: Koji's wife. She's a housewife and very sweet understanding person. She and Yori get along well like sisters. She was a doctor before she married Koji and still has a doctor license in her possession.

Minor Characters

Takumi Kizu: Ryo- Runa's friend. He always be supportive of what Runa does and has crush on her.

Taiki Yamazaki- Fujimoto, Seiji- He's a well educated person, who worked as a Office manager at the Sasori Company.  He mistaken Runa as Yori. He had met Yori once under a circumstance and has tried to find her again, but no luck.

Honoka Miki: Oshita, Rei- Runa's younger sister, who's attending high school while Runa work to paid for the education.

Kento Yamazaki: Hiro - Rei's classmate and love interest

Yudai Chiba - Oshita Ryo - Runa and Rei's Older Cousin. He's a lawyer.

Toshiki Seto - Aaron Marata - He's a doctor who work in the same hospital as Koji. He knew Mizuki since they went to the same high school.

Fictional Characters

Jasper (OC): He's an elderly butler for Haru and Yuuta and had raised them since they were born. He would always be at home to watch Haru when Yuuta is not home and busy with work. 

Risa(OC):  She worked at the Sasori Company as Yuuta's secretary and receptionist.

Fukuda, Aiko (OC): A rich woman who want to be Yuuta's girlfriend/wife for the money, but later find herself falling in love with Yuuta. She is determining to win Yuuta's heart no matter what. When she discovered that Yuuta is with Runa, she selfishly want to separate them with help from her friend Nora.

Nora(OC): Aiko's friend from High School. She always hanging out with Aiko a lot.

A/N: What do you think of the cast and story idea. Are you interest to read? Please leave a review / comment below to let me what you think.

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