Chapter 5

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Rei was leaving out of the entrance of the school alone. She was talking on her cell phone,

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home. Bye," She said before she hung and tucked her cell phone away in her pocket.

As she walking ahead and away from the school entrance, she glances over at the forest and notice a strange man was lurking behind a tree watching her.

It was the same strange man she saw at the restaurant, her sister, Runa work at.

Feeling uncomfortable, she pick up her fast and walked faster to get to her destination when out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the strange man start going after her.

Not wanting to show that she was afraid, Rei stopped and turned around. "Stop following me!" She yelled at him.

Rei waited for the strange man to leave, but instead he walked toward her.

"I'm sorry for following you," He apologized. "But, you look like someone I know". 

"You're mistaken. I don't know you," Rei started to back away from the man.  "So leave me alone".

"My mistake. I'm sorry," the man chuckled. "My name is Stan," He introduced himself and extended his hand toward Rei, who didn't make a move to shook hand with the man.

"What's your name?" Stan asked, still has his hand toward Rei.

"Nobody," Rei quickly replied and turned to leave when Stan grabbed her arm.

"Hey, where are you going? I want to chat with you".

Rei yanked her arm out from Stan's grip and back away. "Sorry, but I'm busy and can't stay to chat with you," She made up and excuse to leave.

"Please, just stay a little bit and chat with me," Stan pleaded and again grabbed Rei's arm.

"No I can't," Rei refused and tried to pulled her arm back from Stan, but he held his grip, not wanting to let go of her arm. "Let go of my arm, you're hurting me".

"Stay and chat with me," Stan asked again.

"No," Rei kept on struggling to break free from Stan, who pulled her toward him and tried to hug her.

"Rei!"  Hiro's voice shouted and Rei looked behind Stan to see Hiro running up to her and Stan. "There you are," He stared down at Stan's hand on Rei's arm. "Hey, what are you doing?" 

Hiro glared at Stan

"Can't you see we are having a conversation," Stan was not happy to see Hiro. "So leave us alone," He retorted.

Hiro looked over at Rei and saw her expression. He knew Stan was lying and decide to go along with it, faking a smile. "Oh really? My bad then, but I don't like you talking to her".

Stan let go of Rei's arm and glared at Hiro. "What give you the right to say that?" He angrily asked.

Hiro walked over to Rei and put his arms around her and smile. "That's because she's my girlfriend. Doesn't that give me right to say that?"

Rei stared up at Hiro in shock from his responses while Stan was fuming in anger.

"Your girlfriend!" He exclaimed. "You're lying!"

"Am I?" Hiro smirked and looked over at Rei who was confused.  Unexpectedly, he pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the lips.

Rei tensed up and was shock by what just occur, but immediately realized that Hiro was helping her get rid of Stan. 

Knowing that it has to look real, Rei responded back to the kiss that end quickly when Hiro pulled away and looked at Stan.

"Now that you know that she's my girlfriend, leave her alone and don't bother her again or else I'll teach you a lesson and then call the police on you," Hiro warmed.

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