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I don't know what to do anymore.
Every time I think I'm done, someone else comes along.
When will this end?
The pain, the suffering.
When will my cuts mend?
Bruises on my skin will heal, but what about the ones inside my head?
Some say they know me, that they've been where I've been.
Does that mean that they've seen what I've seen?
Or is it just a teenage thing?
My family says I'm dramatic when I say my heart physically hurts.
They tell me to "Just get over it", they don't know how much that burns.
My friends love me I know, but even with them i'm still alone.
Unsafe, unprotected, only comfortable in my bed.
I want to shut it all out, but you can't run from the voices in your head.
I looked out the window today, and I saw a girl all sad and crying.
Then she screamed at me and said "Your lying".
She kept saying she was beautiful, I agreed, she said "Your lying".
I looked away in fear of judgement when she met my eyes.
When I looked back, I had a face of horror.
This whole time, it wasn't a window, it was a mirror.


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