I'm outraged. (not a chapter)

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Ok. I need to get this off my chest. If you don't like a story, weather it be similar to others, or bad grammar, or for whatever reason. DON'T FUCKING COMMENT AND TELL THEM TO STOP WRITING. You have no idea how damaging that is. I have been so so so fortunate to not get anything close to hate so far, but a fellow reader and as of late now a fellow author, has just got some negativity on their first chapter. I am so mad I am not even using all caps. When you come across a story you don't particularly enjoy, there is something to the left of your screen, its called the back button. Press it, and move on with your life. To all my struggling author friends out there, my heart goes out to you, and I hope you find your way. Any helpful criticism is welcome if the author asks, but other wise its what you should have learned in kindergarten. "If you don't have anything nice to say, DON'T say it at ALL"

And if you would like to support a fellow author. Please go check out NathanOlivieri they have been so supportive of me, and I would like you to go and drop in some good words or maybe some constructive criticism.

This has been a psa.

Have a good day/night.


Markiplier x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now