Chapter 7

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Molly Weasley was on her way, as much as he didn't want her to be, Albus had thought it would be a nice idea for Ara to help him with the new edition in his life; a child. The woman had already loved Ara like one of her kids, and decided to help take on a motherly role for the poor girl. 


The sound made Ara jump, and slowly make the trip down the stairs. She had been expecting to see a cold, cloaked figure but saw Molly and Severus had a heated discussion but luckily Molly had glanced up to see Ara on the last step, a confused look across her face. Sev and Molly didn't like each other?

"Good afternoon Ara"Molly smiled brightly at the girl"Come, the Burrow awaits"She gestured to herself. 

Ara grinned happily and walked up to the red haired woman. Severus looked down at Ara"Be a good girl while I'm gone, alright Ara?"

Ara's head nodded furiously.

"I'll come get you soon, Ara"Severus told Ara as the young girl grabbed Molly's hand.

"The Burrow!"

Ara Black,The Daughter Of PadFootWhere stories live. Discover now