Chapter 76

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(Ok Ok I feel like your all "Why are you hating on the Ravenclaws?" so I shall answer,I'm not smart enough to be one ^_^ and Cho's a ravenclaw,Ara hates Cho so Ara hates Ravenclaw too so if you like Ravenclaw then by all means don't listen to the rambling Hufflepuff -Points to myself-And I'm not sure if the spell Ara makes was used in Harry Potter even though I doubt it...It's not my spell I got it of Wiki...And you all seem to hate Cedric because of twilight?!Oh come'on when I saw Cedric in Harry Potter I thought he was really hot...Until he died...Twilight has nothing to do with this story so just forget about twilight while your reading this story!Which reminds me,Did anyone see him at the Breaking dawn 2 premiere in L.A?Haha Daily Grace said he looked like the Lucky charm guy LOL Oh And thank you for telling me your thoughts on skipping year two you guys are awesometastic!The amount of comments where super super amazing!)

Fan,Vote,Comment and Enjoy!)

Primrose had found Ara in the Library,Ara had her head down in the leather bound book,The sound of the blood red quill scratching the page was the only sound to be heard.while Memory's of Diana,Herself and Lily giggling and teases each other while Sirius and James starred at them under the invisibility cloak

Primrose sits across from Ara"Morning"

"If your here to lecture me"Ara starts but doesn't look up"The save it,I heard it from my teachers,from the headmaster,my friends and most likely Severus when I see him alone"

"Can't I visit my favorite Goddaughter?"

"No you can't"Ara sighs and puts her quill down

Primrose frowns"I just want to know what she said to make you so upset-"

"Everyone knows about Mom and Sirius,Everyone thinks she was a death eater and everyone knows my father and won't leave me alone about it so when that stupid Ravenclaw brought it up I snapped,But does she get points taken off for that?Does she get points taken off what she said about Sirius or Mum?Oh no because she's little miss perfect and everyone likes to pick on the daughter of the death eaters"Ara keeps her voice low but it was anything but calm

Primrose narrows her eyebrows in confusion but smiles affectionatly at her goddaughter"I'll talk to Dumbledore,As for the things people are saying,Ignor them,They'll go away in a few days,I promise"

Ara sighs and nods

"And I don't want to hear about anymore duels from you"Primrose says sternly then whispers"Only if their being really annoying"

Ara grins a bit but nods all the same"Yes Professor"

Primrose smiles at her once more before getting up and walking out of the library

Ara watched as her godmother practically bolts out of the Library and rolls her eyes,She appreciated the concern and letting her rant over Cho Chang but what Primrose told her was nothing she didn't know already.They talking would go away and people would stop looking at her like she was a troll

Ara looked back down at her book,The note book and trys to smother her laughing,



Causes a blow to the crotch. Generally only effective on males'

Well at least the next person who says something about her parents...will learn their lesson

 The rest of the day went pretty well for the first time in awhile,Alena and Bree spent the rest of the day with Ara outside by the lake joking around,Fred and George set up more pranks,Cho in her first detention,And Cedric doing his homework with some of his other Hufflepuff friends.When it came for Ara's detention,She had it sorting plants out for Herbolagy,It was a dirty job with all the dirt getting on her robes and under the gloves she wore.

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