Chapter 18

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Lucius's wand flew out of his hand and across the room. He turned to see his wife pointing her own wand at them.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"Narcissa cried out"I do not care what house she wants to be in, and it's not reason to kill her oveer it. What do you think Severus will do when he see's what you have done?"She kneeled to Ara's side"Dobby"

The house elf popped in"Yes, Mistriss?"

"I need you to take Ara to the guest room, and get her a potion to heal these cuts"Narcissa demands as she relized Ara was unconscious

"Yes Mistriss"He took ahold of Ara's hand and popped them both to the guest room. 

"Yes Mistriss"He grabs Ara's hand and they appear in Ara's guest room

"What is wrong with you Lucius"Narcissa growls

"She is just like her blood tradior father and her mother"Lucius snaps back

"She is a child!She doesn't know what she wants,She will be placed in Slytherin and she will be happy"Narcissa tells her husband"Now what do you plan on telling Severus?"

"We will use Memory Charm on her"Lucius rolls his eyes at his wife

Narcissa puts away her wand and turns around"I will do it,I do not trust you alone with her"And walks out,Her heels clicking down the hall way until they echo into the next hall to Ara's room

Dobby watches as the cuts on Ara disappears except one on her shoulder blade where Lucius wand was pointed

Ara's eyes open"Dobby?"

"Yes young Mistress?"

"How did I get in here?"Ara sits up slowly looking at the scar on her shoulder"And where did that come from?"

"Mistress told me to bring you here and heal you"Dobby whispers"But that one didn't heal..."

"Oh..Well thank you Dobby"Ara scratches her head"May you get me a quill and parchment"

"Yes Young mistriss"Dobby snaps his fingers and her dissappears

Ara opens her window and whistles loudly and a white owl with brown wings flys over and sits on the window sill

Ara grins"Hello Altair"She adresses her owl

The owl hoots as his silver eyes stare at the scar on her shoulder

"Oh I'l fine Altair"Ara sighs"I need you to send a letter to Sev for me,He's at Hogwarts if your up for the trip"

Altair hoots and hops up flapping his winds

"I'll talk that as a yes"Ara smiles and strokes Altair's head

Dobby comes back and rests the parchment,Quill and ink on the desk

"Thank you Dobby"Ara smiles at him as she infront of the desk with Altair on her shoulder,His favorite spot

"Your welcome young-"

"You can call me Ara when we'er alone"Ara watches his eyes get wide"And don't punish yourself"Ara shakes her head as she picks up the quill

 Dobby grins at her"Thank you"And pops away


I need you to come get me at Malfoy manor right away,Lucius realised I did not want to be in Slytherin as you know and he used the Cruciatus Curse on me and almost used the Killing Curse,Narcissa saved me.Please hurry Sev,I have no Idea what he's gonna do but I have a strong feeling he's going to make me forget or force me to.

 Ara Lynx'

Ara rolls it up and ties it to Altair"Give it to Severus Snape at Hogwarts,Hurry"

Altair hoots and flys out of the window and zooms away

Ara sighs and closed the ink and sits down on the bed and wait

But not for lone when Narcissa comes knocking at her door


(Guys it me!Your awesome writer!I just have to say THANK YOU TO THE READERS,COMMENTERS AND THE VOTERS!AND THE FANNERS!You guys are awesome!Epic!Super!

I also am moving and packing so the updates might be a few days late or so and when I move in I don't know when we will have WiFi,But as soon as I do I'll update!

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