Each Other

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"Allen." Barry came stumbling towards the commanding voice of Captain Singh whilst he had this stern expression etched upon his face and a gruesome voice in which he continued speaking to him in. 

"I want you to meet your new forensics scientist partner, make her feel comfortable and don't be awkward."

A girl stood behind him as Barry's eyes fixated upon her, he described her as beautiful. The way her hair fell just entirely mezmerized him and the way her lips perked up to smile held him in total infatuation as well as the way she shyly waved to him gave him butterflies. 

During this time, she took the time to observe him as well. His height surely towered over her small stature and she was determined that there were some muscles under that red sweater that seemed to fit him well. Her hair is another thing that caught her attention, it was messy but she couldn't say it wasn't attractive. Even his smile and eyes captured her, it hypnotized Y/n for just a few looks up and down, she was hooked. 

In between them was still Captain Singh who looked back and forth at the two of them shaking his head and thought, 'Something's about to happen, something will happen.'

Captain Singh softly smiled but it went unnoticed as all you two concentrated on was each other. 


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