Run To You

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Barry's back slid down the wall as his hands pulled his knees to his chest and tucked his head between them with a short sniffle continuing not too long after. The room with the speed treadmill was quiet and cold as he silently cried for about five minutes. This was all he ever seemed to do lately, with all the tragedies in his life and all, he may have this strong persona but he bears the world on his shoulders and it's just slowing him down. 

First the war with the Reverse Flash then Zoom, his life just didn't seem to get any better, something always got stuck in his way to happiness. The door to the room slightly opened as thee person heard his quiet sniffles which went unnoticed by Barry. The person's eyes softened and their heart broke as they saw him curled up against the wall, just letting his emotions go in private. 

The person approached him closer, so close that they engulfed him within their arms to give him sympathy and comfort, something he needed dearly at the moment. Barry although shocked, still eased his face into the person's neck and inhaled their scent slowly. That aroma was familiar as well as their sensual touch as they rubbed his back up and down in an attempt to soothe him. This made Barry cry harder into her shirt as he whispered a 'thank you'.

"No problem Bare." 

Y/n responded with her hands in his hair as he shifted from neck to lap in short drags. Y/n was urging to speak to him as he just stared upwards at nothing, probably thinking negatively about his current life and why it had to be this way. 



"I don't know how I would be getting by without you here. You've rescued me and opened up my eyes. Now I just want to make your demons disappear, to be the one who keeps you safe at night."

Barry's eyes just squinted at her, careful to not let another tear slip past his eyelids as she continued. 

"Where do you run, when you're breaking down, when you're screaming now, when there's no one to hear ,when you need to breathe, when you've opened me, when you can't face your fears?"

Barry remained speechless as he sat up but she held down his shoulders and grabbed his hands in order to continue.

"Cause every time I run, I run to you."

  "The bridges I have crossed since you've been next to me,  you showed me there's a life worth fighting for. Now the tables turned and you're the one in need. Just let me in I'll help you in this world. Please Bare I want nothing more than to help you crawl out of this ditch that you have fallen into, just please let me help you."

Barry slowly nodded whilst Y/n embraced him in yet another hug but this time his hands went around her waist and squeezed them tight, an action that made her eyes flutter shut and her heart beat faster. His head occupied the crook in her neck with occasional kisses to the flesh. This moment seemed so normal yet so intimate towards them, after all, they became much more in the future, she became the place he would run to, he  forever claimed from that day forward that every time he would run he would run to you. 



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