The Fight

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Its really over. She loves him more. Why did Namjoon have to find that stupid bag... they're probably having sex right now. When I came home the guys saw how much my mood had changed and knew what was wrong. They didn't say anything. But you could clearly see Namjoon scolding himself... and Yoongi helped.


Namjoon "I KNOW! Im such an idiot!"

The others looked at me with comfort in their eyes. I didn't want Namjoon hyung to scold himself like that. It was my own fault for helping Jungkook.

Taehyung "Guys! Its okay... I guess I just wasn't good enough for her..."

Jimin "You know that's not true Tae... its not your fault Jungkook stole her."

Jin "Yeah Jimin is right. Jungkook should learn to respect others relationships... instead of ruining them."

The guys really tried, but nothing could cheer me up after what I just saw. My girlfriend sitting on my best friends lab... in lingerie... kissing him while he's holding her butt. I just wanted to kick his ass and the guys knew it.

Hoseok "Do it. Kick his ass."

They all agreed with Hoseok that I should kick Jungkooks ass. So that's why I ran back to the house. To kick his ass and take Isa back. I didn't care if the child was Jungkooks, I would raise it like it was mine.

Isa's pov

Jungkook was carrying me up to the bed. I didn't know why I suddenly kissed him or sat on him in my lingerie. It just felt right... maybe because hes the father of my child. When we came up the stairs he threw me on the bed and took off his shirt. Suddenly we heard the front door get kicked open. We were both scared out of our wits. Then we heard and recognized some voices.

Namjoon "The bedroom is upstairs."

Taehyung "Im gonna kick his ass so hard that he'll never be able to sit down again!"

Taehyungs angry voice shouting, could be heard in the whole house... and made us terrified. They all came into the room. Angry. I hid myself under the quilt. Jungkook was acting really calm, but I knew how scared he was.

Jungkook "What are you doing here hyungs?"

Taehyung "Youre fucking going to DIE!"


Jungkook ran as fast as he could. Pushing them away, way too fast to be catched. Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin ran after him. Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon stayed with me.

Namjoon "How can you do this to Taehyung?"

He sounded so calm. I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say... why WAS I doing this? Did I really love Jungkook? Or was it just my hormones? I was fighting a war of hormones. I knew I loved Taehyung so why was I doing this? Did I feel pressed? No I don't think so...


Jimin "If you wanted Jungkook all the time you should have been honest with Taehyung! Instead of all this drama youre causing!"

I couldn't help it... I started to cry. Leaving the guys shocked and not knowing what to do or say. 

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