Attacked Again

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I felt someone shaking me and woke up. Yoongi was sitting above of me and shaking my shoulders... then I realized he smirked. I looked down at myself to see that im still naked and covered in Jins cum.

Isa "Yoongi! Get off of me!"

Yoongi "Tsk fine."

Yoongi got off and began to wake Taehyung up.

Taehyung "ARGH! Hyung get off! Why are you waking us?!"

Yoongi "Theres dinner."

I went out to the bathroom, to wash off Jins cum. Then I put on my clothes and walked down to the others. Jin were smirking at Taehyung and me. He then noticed I wasn't walking right.

Jin "Isa are you okay?"

Isa "No."

Taehyung "You want me to see if anythings wrong after dinner?"

Someone might think he was being kinky but his eyes were full on concern. So I nodded. We ate in silence. After dinner Taehyung grabbed some of the doctor stuff they have at home and walked up to his room with me. I then stripped and laid down on his bed. He began checking and scanning my center, which didn't feel how it should. When he was done he packed the stuff and walked out the room. I quickly put my clothes back on and followed. He didn't tell me what was wrong... and that made me worried. When we came down they were all looking at us. Expecting and hoping that Taehyung said nothing was wrong. But that wasn't the coincidence. Instead he walked straight over to Jin and gave him the biggest slap on the cheek I've ever seen. No one said anything. Jins cheek were red as a tomato. He then stood up and began yelling at Taehyung, for hitting his hyung.

Jin "What the fuck do you think youre doing?! You cant just come here and hit youre hyung! You little disrespectful brat!"

All the other guys were scared of their hyung. They've never seen him mad before, and its not something they ever want to see again.

Taehyung "You fucking hurt her!"

Jin didn't know what Taehyung meant. Did I say he hurt me.was I scared to tell him myself. Jin looked over at me, to get some answers but what he saw on my face wasn't answers... it was curiosity.

Jin "What do you mean I hurt her?! She was just a little sore!"

I could clearly see that Taehyung almost reached his limit with this hyung.

Taehyung "you've scratched her to blood! Are you happy now?! Is this the price for a little teasing?!"

Taehyung then slapped Jins cheek once again. Jin looked like he was about to cry. Or was that just because of the hitting? I could see Jin wanted to say something, but there was a knock on the door. Jimin went to see who it was. And suddenly we heard him yell.

Jimin "What the fuck is it that you don't understand?! He don't want to see you, move on!"

We were all pretty shocked and confused. Who was at the door?

Jimin "Isa! RUN!"

None of us knew what to do... I couldn't run. Taehyung then lifted me up bridal style and ran away with me. Just then I saw my attacker come in... where were Jimin? What had he done to him? I couldn't do anything besides shout out of fear since he began running after us.

Isa "Run Taetae!"

The others tried to stop the attacker but didn't succeed. He was after us. And he was faster than us. I realized how dark it was outside. Suddenly we were standing in an awfully familiar alley. The attacker was standing at the opening... we were catched.

Taehyung "Please Brett. Don't."

Brett didn't answer he just walked towards us. Taehyung backed but suddenly he reached the wall. We couldn't escape. Brett had a bat. He hit me in the head so that I don't remember anything.

Taehyungs POV

Taehyung "Please Brett. Don't." Brett didn't answer me he just came closer with his bat in his hands. I backed as much and fast as I could but reached the wall. Then he hit Isa in the head with the bat, causing me to drop her. He then threw his bat away and began kissing me while pushing me against the wall. He reached down in my pants and began massaging my cock. I was trying to escape, but he was too strong. He then took of his and mine clothes and threw me on the ground. He hovered above and inserted himself while moaning load.

Brett "You don't how long I've been waiting to fuck you."

He then began thrusting incredibly hard, fast and deep. I've never felt such pain in my entire life. Brett was moaning like a maniac and suddenly I felt something warm spread inside me... I then realized it was his sperm. Then I heard footsteps and saw my friends run towards us... they couldn't see us. I screamed as loud as I could when Brett came again.

Brett "Fuck! Youre so tight Taehyung!"

The guys heard us and came running. They pulled Brett out which hurt so much. They began to beat him while I was laying on the ground in massive pain. Brett ran away and the guys sat on the ground around me.

Yoongi "Taehyung. Are you alright?"

I shook my head. I wasnt alright. I just got raped by someone i thought was my friend. Namjoon handed me my clothes. I quickly put it on and went to check on Isa. She was unconscious but okay. Then I realized Jimin wasn't there.

Taehyung "Wheres Jimin?"

Hoseok " the hospital..."

Taehyung "What did Brett do to him?!"

Namjoon "He hit him in the head with his bat... hard."

Yoongi "Jimin tried to block his way in to the living room."

Jin "Im sorry..."

Taehyung "I forgive you if you promise to never do such thing again.

Jin "I wont, I promise."

The others looked at us in confusion. But i knew he apologized for hurting Isa. And I forgive him... he didn't do it on purpose. Jungkook came over to me and Isa and lifted her up. I stood up as well. I reached to take Isa but Yoongi stopped me.

Yoongi "Let Jungkook carry her."

Taehyung "Why?"

I was about to get angry. Why wasn't I allowed to carry my own girlfriend?!

Yoongi "Cuz youre hurt."

I then realized how much my legs hurt... and how tired and sore I was. So I just nodded, letting Jungkook carry my girlfriend. I didn't like him being so close to her, but I didn't have a choice... my whole body felt like jelly and I wasn't sure if I could carry her. I couldn't even walk without help. 

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