The Accident

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When I woke up I didn't open my eyes... I was still tired, but couldn't sleep anymore. I heard this beeping... it was beeping in a rhythm. Like those machines in hospitals. I was getting curious about why I heard it, so I opened my eyes. I saw that I wasn't in my bedroom which I thought... I was in a hospital and the beeping sound was coming from a machine connected to me. There were doctors around me... looking at me and writing stuff down on their clipboards. Why was I here? And why was I having such a massive headache?

??? "Guys... shes awake"

One of the doctors said to the others that I was awake... why couldn't he just let them see it themselves? He looked quite young for a doctor... in fact... they all looked very young. Some of them couldn't be much older than mine 20 years.

??? "Do you remember anything Isa?"

Hm? He knows my name? *face palm* of course he knows my name, hes a doctor... what should I remember? And why doesn't he present himself?

??? "Isa? Do you remember anything?"

??? "Hyung... maybe she wants you to present yourself... my name is Jungkook"

He looked so sweet when he smiled at me and presented himself. Jungkook. It's a cute name.

??? "Ah sorry Isa... my name is Jin. Now, do you remember anything from your accident?"

Huh? I was in an accident?! What accident? And why was my head in so much pain?! They need to tell me something!

Isa "I was in an accident?"

I could see on them that it wasn't the answer they wanted. I disappointed them... well its not my bad.

Jungkook "Yeah... you were. You-"

Jin "Don't tell her! She needs to remember it herself! No matter how long its gonna take, we need to patient so that she can remember!"

I really didn't like this Jin. He seemed mean. And why was it so freaking important I remembered myself? Suddenly my vision was all black and my headache worse than anything I've ever tried. Suddenly I was standing in an alley. I could hear footsteps and voices.

Isa "No! Please don't! Stop! Heeelp!"

??? "Shut up bitch! Or else im gonna fuck you even harder..."

The man then started taking off my clothes, but I was struggling... he took out a knife and started cutting my arms, legs and stomach.

??? "See what happens if you struggle?"

I stopped struggling because I fainted. And then it was all black again.

??? "Is she dead?"

Jungkook "Of course not!"

??? "How do you know?"

Jin "Jungkook is right. Shes not dead... shes remembering."

Then I opened my eyes and saw all of them standing besides my bed and staring down at me.

Jin "What did you remember?"

Isa "I got caught in an ally by a man, who was trying to fuck me... but he was cutting in me instead."

??? "So that's why she needed all that blood..."

??? "And why she was naked."

I looked up at all the doctors and just wanted them all to present themselves... but I guess its not happening unless I ask them.

Isa "Im sorry to ask but... who are you guys?"

??? "Im Namjoon."

??? "Im Jimin..."

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