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Just a quick preface before we begin so that everyone is more or less on the same page.

First, the boring stuff:

I obviously do not know these people personally and the scenarios presented here are all a result of my own imaginings. Please do not take anything written here to be fact as the only reason this exists in the first place for the fact that it is sometimes nice to sit and contemplate the many ways in which two very talented, very lovely boys can fall in love.

And now to the other stuff:

- This piece of writing is going to be pretty (very) informal. Sometimes it's going to read like a brain dump of words (because it is) and it's going to get pretty rambly in places.

- Some of the artwork that is used here will be mine, however I'm planning to use some images to help illustrate the story when the time calls for it. I will credit when it's possible to credit but if I can't find the source and someone knows, please tell me! Inspiration for the cover art poses come from the EasyIdol photoshoot ( which never fails to put a smile on my face.

- There isn't going to be a regular update schedule because I'm writing as time allows.

- And lastly, enjoy! These two are so cute that every time I see them or watch an interview with them in it I feel like my skin clears and my crops flourish haha. Hopefully with these stories I manage to spread the love a little :)

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