Chapter 3

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*Above: Rose

Rose's POV

"Is she waking up?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"Shut up, you'll scare her," said another.

I opened my eyes. Surrounding me were an uncountable number of eyes, each varying in color. Vampires. Every single one of them. The room was dim and dusty, with only a few light bulbs swinging above us to see. I shot my head up, causing all of them to back up, startled. "Wha-Where am I?" I asked. My head was still spinning. I wasn't thinking clearly when I actually spoke.

"Get up," one of them demanded. I turned, slightly startled to hear such an aggressive confrontation. A boy, probably about 20 when he turned, stared at me, his eyes a deep red. To others grabbed my arms and pulled me up, shoving me in front of him. I guess I found whoever was in charge. As he approached, I tried my best think think of a plan. These people seemed clueless to my identity, otherwise I would have been dead. And the Hunter had said I would "join" them. I must not be the only one caught in the Human Domain.  They don't know who you are,  make them think you're like them.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Rose," I said quietly. The quiet people always go unnoticed in places like this. I could get by if I said as little as possible.

"Well, what's a pretty girl like you messing with the power of vampires?" He asked sarcastically. I didn't answer, so he held out his hand in attempts to be friendly, though his face suggested otherwise. "The name's Beck. I'm in charge here."

I laughed. Is wasn't a laugh, actually, but something inside of me - dark, eerie, cunning. I saw a couple people's eyes widen. No! Act like them! Act scared or something.

I cleared my throat. Still, I didn't shake his hand. "Where are we?" I asked, trying to act timid. Obviously, it didn't work. Beck laughed. "You're either really that awkward or a terrible actor, Miss," he snickered.

"Maybe you just suck at intimidating people," I snapped. Yeah, the timid thing wasn't working out.

Beck grinned as he turned to the group surrounding us. Then, he turned and came inches from my face. "Listen, little lady, I ran from these captors for a good year. No one else lasted a week, probably the same for you. So stop trying to act like you are any better than me."

I couldn't hid my grin. Stop that! I thought to myself. Sometimes it's impossible to mask the darkness and evil inside of me. It's come to the point where I've stopped trying to be a good person. No matter how hard I try, I'm still a little devil.

Beck stormed off, and I sat down next to a girl against the cold stone wall, who looked like she had turned when she was 16 or so. She had bright purple eyes, which were brought out by her golden straight hair. She leaned over to me. "Don't worry, Beck may seem terrible, but he's just trying to bring some order. I've been in this room for a year, and it was all chaos before he showed up. I'm Abby."

I smiled. It's been a while since I've seen a friendly face. "You've been here for a year?" I asked. She nodded. "I was the third one to end up in here. I mean, we allowed to shower and stuff every couple days and we get food and water, but for everything else we have to fend for ourselves. You'll get used to it."

I took in the information. This was very similar to how I pictured his little world. Abby continued talking. "I know this sounds crazy, but I think we're in some government facility. Beck said that the people chasing us were vampires as well, but we think they're working for the government. Did you figure anything else while you got chased?"

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